You can grow new brain cells. Here's how | Sandrine Thuret

Can we, as adults, grow new neurons? Neuroscientist Sandrine Thuret says that we can, and she offers research and practical advice on how we can help our …

36 responses to “You can grow new brain cells. Here's how | Sandrine Thuret”

  1. I remember watching this a couple of years ago. it inspired me to meditate. It changed my life, gave me hope, increased my brain power, memory focus health everything! For anyone who reads this, meditation works! There is hope to improve yourself! 💛😊

  2. I recomend playing chess and Dominó dad is 87 and when he plays dominó his brain is like 20 years of age he is so clear, alert and keen. In other activities he acts seminly

  3. I was very in to her presentation until she inferred antidepressants were a clear link to treating depression. There is no clear link. Once someone fridges on facts, their message is lost.

  4. My mother 93 diagnosed with demential ,it was noticible ,however fanatical christian she took up reading the king james alot 3 years later no sign of dementia anymore , from scientific view ,yes she had meds ,from biblical point yes she had the tanak

  5. Coming from someone whom could try to kill brain cells with controlled dangerous substances "binge drinks smokes and medicine pills" at least there are medics and physicians whom always are hopeful that the brain is the more than a muscle of an organ that you can may and should be exercised just like the body parts and organs(heart for example) below the cranium 💭🧠🤔👤🗣️👥👣I think I read in a book eye for an eye(eyes) tooth for tooth (teething)ear for an ear(ears) limb for a limb(limbs)foreskin included all need to be exercised with age comes experience but also the gaining of reflexes maybe the brain is a important part of connection to those type of features

  6. Creating new brain cells is evil. A person doesn't need new brain cells. If the corrupt committee of 300 would stop developing diseases and dumbing toxins in our food and water and on the land the human race can grow old naturally and die with dignity.

  7. You know it’s harder to kill brain cells then most say right? The main thing that kills them is lack of oxygen, not drugs and alcohol. Most of those people who are on drugs and act dumb weren’t smart to begin with.

  8. Intermittent fasting I was practicing had a really negative impact on my memory and concentration capacity even though people kept telling me I looked really young for my age).

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