I have fought pain,insomnia,Fibromyalgia 2 spinal fusions. constantly since 2006 Pain pills are awful and will take away you're life. I can deal with this much better, But have fought this so much…
Thank you for this video I love hearing different views on the subject. I’m a nurse, a Christian, and a medical marijuana patient. I have Lupus, and have chronic pain I started using medical marijuana about 6 months ago, and I feel amazing!
I suffered a traumatic brain injury when I was 7 I’ve felt conviction for smoking marijuana but I felt like God was saying to make it into tea I haven’t tried it yet but I’m excited to
I am a Christian and I use medical MJ for sleep and chronic shoulder pain. It has helped me immensely, but I don't abuse it like nobody should abuse anything. I refuse to use those opioids that big pharma dole out like candy, they are killing people. One thing I want to add is regarding staying "sober minded" which I know the bible states, then you can use the Indica strain. It will not give you a "high" or cause drunk feelings , so you will stay sober minded.
Thank you so much for making this video! I am a medical marijuana patient due to an eye disease called Rp that has no cure. I am going blind with age and the only thing that slows the progression down is madijuana. I used marijuana though, before I found out about my eye disease. I used to despise weed and didn't want any part of it. It also helped me to get off of opiates, which is another reason I have it prescribed! It is def a blessing but I want to make sure that my intent is good and that I'm just using is for medicine and not for the high. You have really opened my eyes and I am going to reevaluate the situation and pray about it! Thank you again and God bless 💘✝️
I've been looking for an answer because I have MS and I sometimes get pain on my back also I'm dedicating life to Christ. But thank you for helping me understand that it's okay if you're using it for a medical reason.
You're right, it's a really big gray area. And motive is the key to discerning whether MMJ is a positive and healthy influence in someone's life. I have been a MMJ patient for two years now, and I have noticed that I am starting to use cannabis as a crutch in emotionally stressful situations. I don't want to lose my ability to cope with life's stressors because I've used cannabis as a crutch. Just like anything else, the enemy can take something positive in one's life and twist and warp it into something destructive. My card is about to expire, and I don't think I'm going to have it renewed this year. I need to take a break from the MMJ and seek the Lord for comfort, and cast my cares on him. I think cannabis has served it's purpose in my life and I think I can cope without it. It scares me though, and that's one more reason to quit. Prayers appreciated as I embark on this new path! I know God's got me!
I take herbs and medicines to help me be well in my body. My deepest desire is to be healthy so I can connect to God and others! I recently have become more receptive to the idea of cannabis. Herbs and medicines and plants are in the same category in mind if they accomplish the goal of helping and assisting in healing. Many things can be used irresponsibly, but if we care about our relationship with Jesus, we will seek to worship him with every choice we make.
I have pancreatic divism and am home bound I always pray for healing but I have pain and anxiety and I used marijuana recreational when I was a back sliding Christian 10 years ago is when my health went down and this was a blessing I’m now closer to God than ever but I started using medical marijuana a year ago and I still feel guilt because I use to use it for fun and I don’t want to be back in that place but I also know that compared to marijuana it’s so much better if used right , I don’t over use it only when I’m hurting or have anxiety , but I will always listen for the Holy Spirit to guide me , God blessed , also I had to take pain medication for 4 years and it was horrible coming off of marijuana has no withdrawal but it’s not for everyone because it can cause bad side effects just like every drug given by doctors
I have a lot of chronic pain. Plus I have all my teeth that are bad and need removed. Massive pain. I am on the max dose of Oxycontine and slow release Morphine. Even those did not touch it. A friend God brought into my life brought me some marijuana. I am a Christian but in need of pain relief. I smoked just a little. I went from 1,000 to 0 in 10 seconds. Nothing man made can do that. But God loves us so much he provided everything we need. Pain relief without the harsh side effects of man made narcotics. I don't think our loving God would call that a sin.
Thank you for speaking on this. This subject has interested me alot. I usually always go to God first to ask for healing. I have several genetic chronic physical illnesses and pain killers didn't help me only if I took so many at a time and it mostly made me tired. They can be very addictive. I think God would much rather us use a natural plant that's safe, and has helped children live a more full life by helping to limit seizures, instead of using addictive dangerous chemicals and pills with many dangerous and deadly side affects produced by man. I hear some people believe Jesus used cannabis in his holy anointing oil as well. Scholars have pointed to a specific text from the Bible to support this theory,” explains All Is Interesting. “They claim that a recipe for Jesus’ holy anointing oil in Exodus 30: 22-25 actually contains cannabis: ‘Take the following fine spices: 500 shekels of liquid myrrh, half as much of fragrant cinnamon, 250 shekels of q’aneh-bosm, 500 shekels of cassia — all according to the sanctuary shekel — and a hind of olive oil. Make these into a sacred anointing oil, a fragrant blend, the work of a perfumer. It will be the sacred anointing oil.’ ”The mysterious herb q’aneh-bosm referred to in this passage is now better known as keneh-bosm, and historian Chris Bennett cites the work of Polish etymologist Sula Benet who, in 1936, demonstrated that the root of the word “Kan” translates to “hemp” or “reed,” while the “bosom” translates to “aromatic“. This is the first time the Bible references the use of cannabis oil. It’s from the story of Moses and the Burning Bush, when Moses is given the recipe for the holy anointing oil. He’s also given explicit instructions that the oil is only to be administered to priests and kings. Jesus was having none of this, and he democratized the use of the oil for everyone, thereby making him a highly controversial figure for his time.
Jesus was eventually given the last name of “Christ” by his followers, a religious title meaning “the anointed one,” as in, anointed or blessed with sacred anointing oil. “During Jesus’s lifetime, epilepsy was often described as demon possession,” explains Ranker. “And the New Testament is full of stories where Jesus ‘casts out devils.’ In today’s language, we would describe this as curing epilepsy and Parkinson’s Disease. Interestingly, medical marijuana — and especially cannabis oil — is regularly used today [to treat Parkinson’s tremors and epileptic seizures].”
The Bible contains many stories of Jesus curing people of blindness and skin problems. It comes as no surprise that cannabis oil miraculously cures not only seizures, but also glaucoma and eczema
I've also tried many other things like, physical therapy, chiropractor, essential oils, acupuncture which is way more expensive than marijuana even though marijuana can be pretty expensive generally.
It's the one thing that brings relief and it doesn't heal me but helps manage the pain better.
I do think it's important to not see it as an idle. I think alot of people do. I think it's also important to not abuse the use of it. I think it's also important to acknowledge that God has the ability to heal as well. I think sometimes he chooses not to heal us for good reasons: Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. Then the Lord said to him, “Who has made man's mouth? Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I, the Lord?But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. And his disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered, “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him. We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” Having said these things, he spat on the ground and made mud with the saliva. Then he anointed the man's eyes with the mud …More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.You know it was because of a bodily ailment that I preached the gospel to you at first, and though my condition was a trial to you, you did not scorn or despise me, but received me as an angel of God, as Christ Jesus. What then has become of the blessing you felt? For I testify to you that, if possible, you would have gouged out your eyes and given them to me." He doesn't want us to suffer more than we can handle. I believe He doesn't mind if we manage the pain with medical marijuana if we feel we absolutely need relief. I think it's a gift but it can be bad if we abuse it much like anything else such as food, wine, internet, exct.
I feel like the medical marijuana helps but it's too expensive. It is a great medicine though and it's a medicine that's been used in the world for years in genesis chapter 1 verse 12 it speaks of the herb bearing seed.
I see people every day that think Christianity has to do with stuff that it just does not have to do with such as obeying man's laws. I will often see people say that a good Christian should never speed. ( this attitude does not seem to apply to turn signals) some people feel that it is unchristian to drink alcohol. I then hear arguments that the wine Jesus made was non-alcoholic or something silly like that. Just as there are seven days in a week there is a time including a time to relax. I think people need to be more concerned with gluttony overuse than just basic use, and if you're talking responsible medical use guided by a doctor is just that, responsible medical use guided by a doctor. That should not stop you or limit you from seaking a closer relationship with God.
Paul told timothy to drink a little wine for his infirmities. We have a inner canaboloid system in our flesh that tends to the spleen for our immune system. being a ex opiate user due to degeneration disease and permanent nerve pain, i do not have many options for any relief. With this constant pain comes anxiety and nervousness. They say it alters your mind but what if your mind needs altering to be normal. If this medicine helps it is a medicine if it hurts then it is a drug. Opiates are more of a worry in my opinion. There is zero deaths linked to only marijuana use according to many. How true this is i do not know. Today food can kill you or hate much quicker than drugs. If you do not use the intended purpose of what God created for that intended purpose you will find problems spiritually. They use rattlesnake poison to cure a venomous rattlesnake bite. We do not go around injecting rattlesnake poison just because we might get bit one day. We do it when we get bit. Maybe this will help. I say we must ask the Lord and heed to His doors that open. There is a oil called rick simpsons oil made from cannabis. It healed people with stage 4 cancer and told to go home and die. It heals many things and helps maintain issues such as seizures and pain and anxiety and even type 1 diabetes to help with insulin gettinto cells that have become resistant to insulin. I believe it does need to be monitored and legalized to do so.
Thank you so much for your thoughts on this difficult subject! I currently smoke weed and am in the process of quitting cigarettes! It’s been a hard road! Mostly I smoke to ease chronic back pain, depression and anxiety. It’s actually helping me to quit cigarettes as well as my faith in Jesus. I think Christians are too quick to jump on the bandwagon of calling things evil. Especially when it’s how one chooses to deal with ailments. Currently under one pastor who thinks all medications are Sorcery!
I agree that it's all about motives. Like for me, I'm considering trying it because I have herniated disks in my back and I'm in pain pretty much 98% of the time. My doctors have prescribed pills that really don't touch the pain, and sometimes if the pain is too bad they prescribe opioids that I can't handle; I'm ridiculously impared when I take that kind of stuff and it scares me with how addictive it is (I'm not addicted, I'm just saying I know a lot of people who do end up abusing it), and medical marijuana seems like it's very effective for treating pain without all the scariness of opioids
I truly believe that medical marijuana gets a bad rap because of the stigma around it. If MM cant be used to heal, calm nausea, or even control pain then every other medication known to man should be removed from the shelf. I teach my children that when making a "unpopular" decision you need to first consult God and how the decision you are about to make aligns with what you believe regarding your relationship with God. I tell them to ask themselves this question when unsure, "Do you feel convicted in what you are about to say or do or the environment that you are about to enter into?"
God made it-legalize it!!!
I have fought pain,insomnia,Fibromyalgia 2 spinal fusions. constantly since 2006 Pain pills are awful and will take away you're life. I can deal with this much better, But have fought this so much…
I’m using weed to get off of Narcotics, and it’s helping
Thank you for this video I love hearing different views on the subject. I’m a nurse, a Christian, and a medical marijuana patient. I have Lupus, and have chronic pain I started using medical marijuana about 6 months ago, and I feel amazing!
But doesn't the smoking part of it harm the temple of God?
I am a Christian and was wondering if it would be. Sin for me to work at (not use) a medical marijuana dispensary.
I suffered a traumatic brain injury when I was 7 I’ve felt conviction for smoking marijuana but I felt like God was saying to make it into tea I haven’t tried it yet but I’m excited to
Preach it
Check out this episode on my podcast where I talk about MMJ use.
I am a Christian and I use medical MJ for sleep and chronic shoulder pain. It has helped me immensely, but I don't abuse it like nobody should abuse anything. I refuse to use those opioids that big pharma dole out like candy, they are killing people. One thing I want to add is regarding staying "sober minded" which I know the bible states, then you can use the Indica strain. It will not give you a "high" or cause drunk feelings , so you will stay sober minded.
Thank you so much for making this video! I am a medical marijuana patient due to an eye disease called Rp that has no cure. I am going blind with age and the only thing that slows the progression down is madijuana. I used marijuana though, before I found out about my eye disease. I used to despise weed and didn't want any part of it. It also helped me to get off of opiates, which is another reason I have it prescribed! It is def a blessing but I want to make sure that my intent is good and that I'm just using is for medicine and not for the high. You have really opened my eyes and I am going to reevaluate the situation and pray about it! Thank you again and God bless 💘✝️
God bless you
I've been looking for an answer because I have MS and I sometimes get pain on my back also I'm dedicating life to Christ. But thank you for helping me understand that it's okay if you're using it for a medical reason.
You're right, it's a really big gray area. And motive is the key to discerning whether MMJ is a positive and healthy influence in someone's life. I have been a MMJ patient for two years now, and I have noticed that I am starting to use cannabis as a crutch in emotionally stressful situations. I don't want to lose my ability to cope with life's stressors because I've used cannabis as a crutch. Just like anything else, the enemy can take something positive in one's life and twist and warp it into something destructive. My card is about to expire, and I don't think I'm going to have it renewed this year. I need to take a break from the MMJ and seek the Lord for comfort, and cast my cares on him. I think cannabis has served it's purpose in my life and I think I can cope without it. It scares me though, and that's one more reason to quit. Prayers appreciated as I embark on this new path! I know God's got me!
I take herbs and medicines to help me be well in my body. My deepest desire is to be healthy so I can connect to God and others! I recently have become more receptive to the idea of cannabis. Herbs and medicines and plants are in the same category in mind if they accomplish the goal of helping and assisting in healing. Many things can be used irresponsibly, but if we care about our relationship with Jesus, we will seek to worship him with every choice we make.
I have pancreatic divism and am home bound I always pray for healing but I have pain and anxiety and I used marijuana recreational when I was a back sliding Christian 10 years ago is when my health went down and this was a blessing I’m now closer to God than ever but I started using medical marijuana a year ago and I still feel guilt because I use to use it for fun and I don’t want to be back in that place but I also know that compared to marijuana it’s so much better if used right , I don’t over use it only when I’m hurting or have anxiety , but I will always listen for the Holy Spirit to guide me , God blessed , also I had to take pain medication for 4 years and it was horrible coming off of marijuana has no withdrawal but it’s not for everyone because it can cause bad side effects just like every drug given by doctors
Use medical yes but remember God said don’t be a drunkard
I have a lot of chronic pain. Plus I have all my teeth that are bad and need removed. Massive pain. I am on the max dose of Oxycontine and slow release Morphine. Even those did not touch it. A friend God brought into my life brought me some marijuana. I am a Christian but in need of pain relief. I smoked just a little. I went from 1,000 to 0 in 10 seconds. Nothing man made can do that. But God loves us so much he provided everything we need. Pain relief without the harsh side effects of man made narcotics. I don't think our loving God would call that a sin.
Thank you for speaking on this. This subject has interested me alot. I usually always go to God first to ask for healing. I have several genetic chronic physical illnesses and pain killers didn't help me only if I took so many at a time and it mostly made me tired. They can be very addictive. I think God would much rather us use a natural plant that's safe, and has helped children live a more full life by helping to limit seizures, instead of using addictive dangerous chemicals and pills with many dangerous and deadly side affects produced by man. I hear some people believe Jesus used cannabis in his holy anointing oil as well. Scholars have pointed to a specific text from the Bible to support this theory,” explains All Is Interesting. “They claim that a recipe for Jesus’ holy anointing oil in Exodus 30: 22-25 actually contains cannabis: ‘Take the following fine spices: 500 shekels of liquid myrrh, half as much of fragrant cinnamon, 250 shekels of q’aneh-bosm, 500 shekels of cassia — all according to the sanctuary shekel — and a hind of olive oil. Make these into a sacred anointing oil, a fragrant blend, the work of a perfumer. It will be the sacred anointing oil.’ ”The mysterious herb q’aneh-bosm referred to in this passage is now better known as keneh-bosm, and historian Chris Bennett cites the work of Polish etymologist Sula Benet who, in 1936, demonstrated that the root of the word “Kan” translates to “hemp” or “reed,” while the “bosom” translates to “aromatic“. This is the first time the Bible references the use of cannabis oil. It’s from the story of Moses and the Burning Bush, when Moses is given the recipe for the holy anointing oil. He’s also given explicit instructions that the oil is only to be administered to priests and kings. Jesus was having none of this, and he democratized the use of the oil for everyone, thereby making him a highly controversial figure for his time.
Jesus was eventually given the last name of “Christ” by his followers, a religious title meaning “the anointed one,” as in, anointed or blessed with sacred anointing oil. “During Jesus’s lifetime, epilepsy was often described as demon possession,” explains Ranker. “And the New Testament is full of stories where Jesus ‘casts out devils.’ In today’s language, we would describe this as curing epilepsy and Parkinson’s Disease. Interestingly, medical marijuana — and especially cannabis oil — is regularly used today [to treat Parkinson’s tremors and epileptic seizures].”
The Bible contains many stories of Jesus curing people of blindness and skin problems. It comes as no surprise that cannabis oil miraculously cures not only seizures, but also glaucoma and eczema
I've also tried many other things like, physical therapy, chiropractor, essential oils, acupuncture which is way more expensive than marijuana even though marijuana can be pretty expensive generally.
It's the one thing that brings relief and it doesn't heal me but helps manage the pain better.
I do think it's important to not see it as an idle. I think alot of people do. I think it's also important to not abuse the use of it. I think it's also important to acknowledge that God has the ability to heal as well. I think sometimes he chooses not to heal us for good reasons: Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.
Then the Lord said to him, “Who has made man's mouth? Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I, the Lord?But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
And his disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered, “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him. We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” Having said these things, he spat on the ground and made mud with the saliva. Then he anointed the man's eyes with the mud …More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.You know it was because of a bodily ailment that I preached the gospel to you at first, and though my condition was a trial to you, you did not scorn or despise me, but received me as an angel of God, as Christ Jesus. What then has become of the blessing you felt? For I testify to you that, if possible, you would have gouged out your eyes and given them to me." He doesn't want us to suffer more than we can handle. I believe He doesn't mind if we manage the pain with medical marijuana if we feel we absolutely need relief. I think it's a gift but it can be bad if we abuse it much like anything else such as food, wine, internet, exct.
I feel like the medical marijuana helps but it's too expensive. It is a great medicine though and it's a medicine that's been used in the world for years in genesis chapter 1 verse 12 it speaks of the herb bearing seed.
I see people every day that think Christianity has to do with stuff that it just does not have to do with such as obeying man's laws. I will often see people say that a good Christian should never speed. ( this attitude does not seem to apply to turn signals) some people feel that it is unchristian to drink alcohol.
I then hear arguments that the wine Jesus made was non-alcoholic or something silly like that.
Just as there are seven days in a week there is a time including a time to relax. I think people need to be more concerned with gluttony overuse than just basic use, and if you're talking responsible medical use guided by a doctor is just that, responsible medical use guided by a doctor. That should not stop you or limit you from seaking a closer relationship with God.
Paul told timothy to drink a little wine for his infirmities. We have a inner canaboloid system in our flesh that tends to the spleen for our immune system. being a ex opiate user due to degeneration disease and permanent nerve pain, i do not have many options for any relief. With this constant pain comes anxiety and nervousness. They say it alters your mind but what if your mind needs altering to be normal. If this medicine helps it is a medicine if it hurts then it is a drug. Opiates are more of a worry in my opinion. There is zero deaths linked to only marijuana use according to many. How true this is i do not know. Today food can kill you or hate much quicker than drugs. If you do not use the intended purpose of what God created for that intended purpose you will find problems spiritually. They use rattlesnake poison to cure a venomous rattlesnake bite. We do not go around injecting rattlesnake poison just because we might get bit one day. We do it when we get bit. Maybe this will help. I say we must ask the Lord and heed to His doors that open. There is a oil called rick simpsons oil made from cannabis. It healed people with stage 4 cancer and told to go home and die. It heals many things and helps maintain issues such as seizures and pain and anxiety and even type 1 diabetes to help with insulin gettinto cells that have become resistant to insulin. I believe it does need to be monitored and legalized to do so.
Thank you 🙏 😇❤️. This is the confirmation I needed.
Thank you so much for your thoughts on this difficult subject! I currently smoke weed and am in the process of quitting cigarettes! It’s been a hard road! Mostly I smoke to ease chronic back pain, depression and anxiety. It’s actually helping me to quit cigarettes as well as my faith in Jesus. I think Christians are too quick to jump on the bandwagon of calling things evil. Especially when it’s how one chooses to deal with ailments. Currently under one pastor who thinks all medications are Sorcery!
I agree that it's all about motives. Like for me, I'm considering trying it because I have herniated disks in my back and I'm in pain pretty much 98% of the time. My doctors have prescribed pills that really don't touch the pain, and sometimes if the pain is too bad they prescribe opioids that I can't handle; I'm ridiculously impared when I take that kind of stuff and it scares me with how addictive it is (I'm not addicted, I'm just saying I know a lot of people who do end up abusing it), and medical marijuana seems like it's very effective for treating pain without all the scariness of opioids
I truly believe that medical marijuana gets a bad rap because of the stigma around it. If MM cant be used to heal, calm nausea, or even control pain then every other medication known to man should be removed from the shelf. I teach my children that when making a "unpopular" decision you need to first consult God and how the decision you are about to make aligns with what you believe regarding your relationship with God. I tell them to ask themselves this question when unsure, "Do you feel convicted in what you are about to say or do or the environment that you are about to enter into?"
In my opinion, it's no different to using any other drug medically. True about what you said regarding God knowing your heart
Thank you for talking about this, God bless you.