Will Washington State Legalize Home Grow in 2021?

Or will those that hate the plant and the people that use it prevail like years past? Source: …

One response to “Will Washington State Legalize Home Grow in 2021?”

  1. Washington wont change…….
    If they let medical and non medical grow, that is profits Washington doesn't want to let go…
    I use to spend 300 a month on recreational cannabis in between grows..Washington wont let that profit go..7 yrs later now..not hard to figure out that Washington is a gready state…the 30 dollar tabs on car prove that.if u know about Washington….
    We are talking about a billion dollars Washington would miss out on..
    Plus the liquor board wouldn't have anything to do if common folks can grow….the liquor boars is just like cartels of mexico… a neighbor can say they smell cannabis..the liquor board will come to your door…states are no different then drug dealers. States just use swatt teams to protect their funds..

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