Why The War on Drugs Is a Huge Failure

The war against drugs has been a terrible disaster for everybody involved. Why? And can we do something differently? Check out the Stop The Harm campaign: …

34 responses to “Why The War on Drugs Is a Huge Failure”

  1. +We need to stop people from ruining their own lives and putting themselves in a figurative prison!
    -But what are we gonna do if they do that anyways?
    +Ruin their lives and put them in literal prison!

  2. In my opinion, those drug addicts shouldn't be jailed and instead should've been taken to a rehab, and also i don't like how Switzerland handling these situations, as the drugs medical center not helping those people coming out from their addiction but only make it worse

  3. No drugs no problems. You forget the problem within the problem. People. Trash people don’t listen so anytime it’s less convienient to make the world better half of the people turn their backs and screw it all up for the rest of us, as we’ve seen demonstrated by COVID-19 5 years after this video. When I say trash people I mean the ones that abuse these things such as the cartels and uncooperative people who knew better and still put that stuff out there

  4. I grew up in Honduras where 90% of US cocaine goes threw. I have seen kidnaps, robberies, murder scenes, and many things I shouldnt have seen. We have drug dictarorship and while my people die it aint do to drugs but because american guns and those aint ilegal in the US.

  5. It was sounding good until the last bit about the violence around the world. A country should put itself first, not the whims of a corrupt cartel ridden country

  6. "We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities." -Nixon Advisor John Ehrlichman

  7. 这是用投降主义来掩盖政府低效管理的失败,在中国和新加坡,严格的法律和执行确保了禁毒的成功,在民主的日本禁毒甚至比中国更成功,他们用和美国一样的手段:限制原料,关闭毒品作坊,但是幸运的是,日本没有像“墨西哥”一样的陆地邻居。
    This is the use of capitulationism to cover up the failure of the government's inefficient management. In China and Singapore, strict laws and enforcement ensure the success of drug control. In democratic Japan, drug control is even more successful than China. They use the same methods as the United States: restriction Raw materials, close meth lab, but fortunately, Japan does not have a land neighbor like "Mexico".

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