34 responses to “Why Marijuana is illegal – Joe Rogan”

  1. Indica marijuana saved my life. But now that I moved to Utah a state where weed is illegal, I'm on tons of prescription anxiety meds when back in Oregon just a few months ago all I did was smoke a joint every night I was perfectly healthy and didn't self-medicate with eating too much I was actually able to be in control of myself and have peace and relaxation and even stopped me from committing suicide, now I'm on a cocktail of pills just to survive here I'm going to move back to Oregon as soon as I can

  2. That’s not true it’s bc ppl who are against it have a bad picture of a pot smoker, the people against it are mostly older hard working adults who don’t want there kids to be drop out stoners, I smoke everyday and do fine in class but when kids come into class high it ruins it for everyone else, like really? You want to paint that picture

  3. i like our expert here on the dea and reasearch. hello. thc prevent beta amyloid from building up in the brain and causing alzhiemers. Web md shows this and also states that big pharma has a thc pill to treat alzhiemers

  4. Had some pretty near death experiences thanks to big pharma…i now smoke weed for my fibromyalgia which was brought on by cold turkey'in from lyrcia (pregabalin) also have cognitive/sensory issues…fcuk U big pharma…praise the Lord for cannabis ✌

  5. weed actually stops the growth of cancer so that your body can fight it off better, weed cures many common illnesses and forms of pain. weed is also good for clothes, paper, relaxation, pharmacutical drugs, and many more, these rich greedy businessmen and politicians cant make as much money off it ober their current products, it would be so easy to regulate and tax if legal, but so many people have been brainwashed into thinking its so bad for you and that it makes you stupid and kills brain cells, cannabis has so many more pros than cons that it is actually better if society uses it.

  6. The drugs didnt do it. Your not so smart friends used a psychoactive drug AT WORK. See where im going with this.

    The mans point is that nobody overdoses from weed, you would have to EAT your BODYWEIGHT in 15 min

  7. 2 people I worked with smoked pot on the job and died because of it. one walked in front of a loader and the other fell to his death. to be fair if they were openly drinking on the job they may have suffered similar fates, but they were not. Another person I worked with is permanently disabled for smoking it. As far as the police are concerned it has nothing to do with drinking and driving it's; while impaired/under the influence. Intoxicated is intoxicated I don't give a damn if it's legal or not. It is Vehicular manslaughter if you drank, smoked or took a prescription. I am offended to hear people say smoking pot doesn't make you stupid, drinking does, pills do and i suspect crack does too. I still say legalize it and educate the public about it, but don't tell me my friends would have died the same way without being intoxicated.

  8. Joe Rogan is so full of shit. Seriously. Just think about his argument and you can easily find the flaws in it. Some basic research would debunk a lot of his crap as well. 
    1. Pharmaceutical companies would make a killing off of legalized marijuana. If they could actually prove that its medicinal uses were valid, pharmas would manufacture commercial grade marijuana and make a profit on it. 
    2. The Partnership for a Drug Free America (Drug Free Kids today) is funded by grants from the federal government and donations. In 1998, after they found out that they were receiving donations from alcohol and tobacco companies, they prohibited such donations from being accepted. 
    3. The decorticator was invented in 1860 in Germany. By 1890, there were over 100 different types of decorticators in existence. Since 1860, there was an economically effective method to process hemp, unfortunately, the amount of plants to make hemp pulp into a useable resource was greater than it was for other resources. This meant that hemp itself was not economically viable.
    4. The Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution were both written on parchment paper.   
    5. George Bush's parachute was made of nylon because they could not get silk from Japan. Hemp canvas would have been too heavy for a parachute.
    6. Popular Science did say that hemp was a Billion Dollar product. It also said that there was a need for heavy regulation to separate commercial hemp production from being used for illegal marijuana production.
    7. The use of the word marijuana for cannabis was first discovered in 1905, 30 years before William Hearst ever wrote a single article about it. And the Mexican wild tobacco he was talking about was actually imported indian hemp, a cannabis plant. Hearst was also a purchaser of printstock, not a producer, and he would have supported a hep paper product because the cost of paper stock had just gone up significantly for him. 
    8. Congress knew hemp was being outlawed. In fact, many other countries had already banned marijuana and so did several states prior to the Congressional Act to do so. 
    9. There has not been a death directly caused by tobacco in the US. However, there have been deaths where tobacco was a factor, the same as there are deaths where marijuana was a factor. The same carcinogens found in tobacco smoke are also found in marijuana smoke. Research has shown that the risk of lung cancer was higher for people who smoked both tobacco and marijuana than it was for those who just smoked tobacco. It is also shown that many juveniles who have died from heart failure had THC in their system. 

    A lot of the BS propaganda about why marijuana is illegal comes from a book called "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" and many of the points made in this book have been debunked repeatedly over the years, but people keep believing it. 

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