Why Dr. Sanjay Gupta Is Talking About Medical Marijuana Again

Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN’s chief medical correspondent explains why he believes marijuana may be the solution to the national opioid crisis. He outlines the three …

47 responses to “Why Dr. Sanjay Gupta Is Talking About Medical Marijuana Again”

  1. I was prescribed opiates for years & used marijuana to help get that crap out of my system & feel ok while I worked on clearing my body & can say honestly even if Drs say pots not good or gonna help – I wouldn't have wanted to let go of opiates cold turkey – I'm glad I've smoked pot my whole life – its helping me more as an adult who's become conscious of what I put into my body

  2. Google the following article : "An open letter to CNN"s Dr. Sanjay Gupta on the perils of marijuana" by Dr. Roneet Lev, Director of the Emergency Department, Scripps Mercy Hospital, San Diego, California. The ER doctors see every day the terrible effects of marijuana on people. Dr. Gupta is a fool when it comes to marijuana.

  3. How can someone this well educated be so incredibly naive and stupid ??? Dr. Gupta did NOT do his homework. He forgot to listen to David Toma who knows more about the harmful effects of marijuana in his little finger than Dr. Gupta knows from his entire life experience. I would advise anyone who wants to be truly educated about the dangers of marijuana to google the following article by Dr. Roneet Lev, Chief of the Emergency Department, Scripps Mercy Hospital, San Diego, California : "An open letter to CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta on the perils of marijuana." If you want the truth there it is.
    Dr. Oz should be ashamed of himself for not having an authority like Dr. Lev on his program to counter this irresponsible doctor who promotes this extremely dangerous drug.

  4. Florida says that cannabis does not work for pain and that a Dr recomendation is just an excuse to get high.
    My medical marijuana certification will be removed this month because FL says everyone claiming pain is improved by marijuana is just lying about the result to get high.
    please help us

  5. YES ! However if a person doesn't use it, this disqualifies them from advising. Dr Gupta is correct, it DOES help get people off Opiates I am one of those people that came off those highly destructive drugs, but only after a severe breakdown despite my reaching out for help my my previous physician who failed to help me, the result was ignoring healthcare ideals & doctrine & have gone to holistic & homeopathic medicine. Todays healthcare is bankrupt in morals & ethics. Cannabis also got me off booze with 3 joints as well. No more toxins made by corporations that are just greedy for our money, so greedy the are wiling to sacrifice principle. I am glad I can identify such people now. ALL because of cannabis. 🙂

  6. They studied it in the late 1800 s, they Know it heals about every illness under the sun and is a Plant, they demonised it in the 30s, big pharma are criminals responsible for millions of deaths.

  7. It's pathetic how the federal government looks at marijuana as a Class 1 drug. It's been proven to help hundreds of thousands of people with various medical issues. Not to mention proven to kill cancer cells. Yet addictive pharmaceutical pain killers a perfectly fine in the government's eyes. This is why I have no faith or trust in our government. Big pharmaceutical companies are the real drug dealers. Just look at the death rate from people using Pharmaceuticals compared to those who use marijuana. Marijuana 0. Big Pharmaceuticals hundreds of thousands.

  8. Dr Oz .. Lemme tell ya .. Cannabis can heal a nation and singlehandedly bring it out of debt and make it flourish .. In terms of health you wont find another medicine that can work as well as the herbs .. Cannabis is natural it is electric and as it unites with the bodies receptors it can heal as many as over 200 diseases .. Bless up

  9. I have a seizure problem that 3 neurologists couldn't figure out and could give me no help. My family doctor let me have medical pot because I was at the point where I wouldn't be able to continue….quality of life was low. The pot gave me instant relief. I wouldn't still be here without it.

  10. Time to make MORE money off of something that was making them BILLIONS of Dollars by incarcerating black men. Now we're going to Label it .."Medical"…so we can KEEP making BILLIONS of dollars from it. When they were passing out "opioids" they were TOTALLY against Marijuana, and claimed that it had NO Medicinal use and a "gateway" drug. LMAO! But now that they've done "SO MUCH RESEARCH" it's ALL GOOD! A bunch of BULLSHIT! at the highest level!

  11. Weed has always been the solution. Im a recovery opioid addict and weed saved my life. Thats the strongest evidence possible, period. Wake up people. My withdrawals were hell for 3 weeks until I started smoking again and it was the best choice i eve made. Im now married with a great career and very happy

  12. Gupta, who also works for CNN, talking about how great cannabis is, is a huge red flag for me. Whats really going on ? I noticed here he talks about CBD. I suspect he's trying to make CBD the main healing cannabinoid when in fact its THC. Remember, do the opposite of what CNN tells you to do.

  13. There's no difference between medical marijuana and "recreational" marijuana. The only reason people distinguish between the two is because of how and/or why it's used. Sure, marijuana makes sick people feel better. But it also makes healthy people feel better. And what's wrong with using cannabis as a preventative measure so you reduce the chance of coming down with the ailments that sick people are taking cannabis for? It's my view that cannabis should be on the food pyramid, not locked up in a pharmacy. Knowing this makes waiting on all the naysayers, fence-sitters and researchers to catch up with what actual pot-users already know from personal experience. And unfortunately, that personal experience and testimony has always been rejected because science doesn't accept that as evidence. 🙁

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