Why do women have periods?

A handful of species on Earth share a seemingly mysterious trait: a menstrual cycle. We’re one of the select few mammals on Earth that menstruate, and we also …

48 responses to “Why do women have periods?”

  1. Came here after hearing that J.K. Rowling is in "a controversy" for saying "only women can have periods". In a way, she is tasting her own medicine of social justice after bashing men for years, but this is sad.

  2. To all you girls out there, don't be ashamed of periods. And if men feel uncomfortable because of this we shouldn't care because they stare at us and harass us and make us feel uncomfortable so we should talk about periods in front of them more often to make them feel uncomfortable!!😏 Now this is equality.

  3. I'm sure some hardcore Christians will believe it's God's punishment for women because is Eve leading Adam astray by eating the forbidden fruit

  4. Ya know the feeling when you are on your period and you are sitting down for a long time but then you get up and it feels like there is an ocean just coming out of you 🤸

  5. I'm 12 and I had my periods last year first time without realizing. It wasn't was painful as it's now. Mum has obviously noticed my first period so she dragged me away from my brother and took care of me cuz of that. I shudder to think what might happen without her

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