Which U.S States will LEGALIZE CANNABIS in 2021?

Which U.S States will LEGALIZE CANNABIS in 2021? Subscribe to my Other YouTube Channels: Frame of Flower Podcast: …

21 responses to “Which U.S States will LEGALIZE CANNABIS in 2021?”

  1. Sales in maryland would be higher but pg police college park area still make arests and eviction because of other residents who smoke cigarettes heavily in college park will not allow other residents to smoke medical marijuana even on a pation… it's sad it just needs to be as legal a cigarette with less death rate… they want people to keep smoking cigarettes with all that stuff in them yuk.

  2. All states dammit, we've been waiting a half a century behind colorado already, this b.s. state by state hypocracy has got to go, no more ignoring freedoms, rights, and equality ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿฏ

  3. Wisconsin is crossing its fingers that itโ€™s federally legal because they hold it over our heads that itโ€™s not and that thereโ€™s not enough science.

  4. On one of your recent vids I made a comment about Interstate commerce , I feel this will be very important for the growth of MJ business because small craft growers who have good product can then sell their goods across state lines , For instance someone in Arizona can order Humbolt county outdoor weed or strain that they really like.

  5. We have often said that NY will be the linchpin for the rest of the States to legalize but looks like the entire N.E will have this in their agenda in 2021..

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