Which Republicans will VOTE for the MORE Act? Marijuana Legalization

Let’s Talk Cannabis LMC – For Educational Purposes ONLY.

11 responses to “Which Republicans will VOTE for the MORE Act? Marijuana Legalization”

  1. When you speak you run out of volume by the end of your sentences, and then you get hard to understand. This happens more when you read. It's like the end becomes less important.

  2. thank you for pointing out we are all in this together, and that the political sides do not matter. I genuinely appreciated that, and hope to see more of that mentality
    I know I typically bash the dems, but we really need to all come together for the greater good of our country and our well being

  3. Glad to find Republicans for legalization of Marijuana. Because i'm all for legalization, im actually a stoner myself. But I also don't align with the Democrats beliefs, even though they lean more that way.

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