What's the Deal with CBD and Skin Care? – Dr. Anthony Youn

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24 responses to “What's the Deal with CBD and Skin Care? – Dr. Anthony Youn”

  1. I`m not going to lie.. so just trust my word. My mother bought a 50$ cbd from a drug store and I used it once … nothing changed , I was using alot of niamicide , azelaic acid , hyaluronic , acid salicylic (sorry If I say to some the wrong name or spelling , english is not my first langague.) I used it 3 days later aswell , like 2 drops , I was like wow 1 drop and you don`t even feel it on your face is like you are rubbing it with your bare finger/palm. But Maaaan for ME , right now I have not a single pimple ( I had rosacea for like sience i was 12-13 , now I`m 18) I had a pimple like the one that is beneath the skin and hurts , my face is all really smooth , my sebum secretion is fixed because niamicide or salycilic acid , idk wich because i used both , and my face is sooo good I neeever had a face like this sience I remember !
    If you suffer with acne , and tried 103201 milions of things ,I suggest you it might be the best thing in your life in terms of skin care, If it dosen`t work I`m so sorry , but for me it worked, I like 2 weeks I used it only a little , not much , and goodbye pimples I guess …lol… I`m surprised as heck. Give it a go , hopefully it will for you too. Take care.

  2. Infamm-aging – Franceschi et al. in 2000 – The immuno-modulatory properties of CBD are wide-ranging, however its anti-inflammatory propertied can no longer be disputed. We say nano! to Cytokines – 😉

  3. I make a CBD/THC tincture/moisturizer for my chest. When I sweat I break out in a rash that itches constantly and turns to tiny pimples. Ive been told it was a bacteria infection?!?? I’ve tried a number of Rx creams. That did not help, I have had the rash last for weeks. The CBD tincture stops the itching immediately and the rash disappears in approximately 3 days. I can’t wait until they start doing more research.

  4. I wonder if CBD is going to be like colloidal silver was a decade ago. Colloidal silver was supposed to fix everything and now you rarely hear about it.

  5. I take CBD oil and during the cold months I always get very chapped lips. Especially my bottom lip – it is almost raw. I decided to rub some of the CBD oil on it and the next day it was healing. Withing two days, it was almost totally healed and smooth.

  6. I have been taking pure CBD oil to help with chronic intractable migraine pain for almost 3 months now. I decided to try using it in my skincare routine a month ago. I use just 2 or 3 drops twice a day. WOW!!!! I have already seen and felt difference in my skin. It is slowly evening out my skin tone, fading some dark spots, and improved the texture. It has a slight tingle to it when I apply it. It's my last step before my tinted SPF. If you use it in a tincture oil form a little goes a long way!!

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