In Louisiana it’s perfectly legal to walk around with a beer in your hand and we don’t have a bunch of drunks in the street. Maybe just make laws that it’s only legal to smoke in your residence?
We need your support! Can you help us out? Please take a moment to support US Federal Legalization of Cannabis and Hemp plants by signing our petition!
I'm glad States can't sell to other States The weed prices just keep getting cheaper in Washington State As supplies go through the roof as low as 45.00 per oz
Good work more info via email place your order now
In Louisiana it’s perfectly legal to walk around with a beer in your hand and we don’t have a bunch of drunks in the street. Maybe just make laws that it’s only legal to smoke in your residence?
We need your support! Can you help us out?
Please take a moment to support US Federal Legalization of Cannabis and Hemp plants by signing our petition!
Thank you for being a truthful voice for this plant.
reality sucks.
I'm glad States can't sell to other States The weed prices just keep getting cheaper in Washington State As supplies go through the roof as low as 45.00 per oz