What Is More Harmful? Weed, Alcohol or Coffee | BeerBiceps Fitness

Happy Holi you guys! I had to make this video as it was highly requested. Yes, this video is all about Bhang or Weed or Cannabis or marijuana. It’s all the same.

24 responses to “What Is More Harmful? Weed, Alcohol or Coffee | BeerBiceps Fitness”

  1. If you wanna smoke weed… SMOKE IT! if you wanna drink alcohol… DRINK IT! do both? DO IT! Do none? DONT DO THEM! people are judging you because the are using you as a distraction from their own business for the next 2 minutes, they'll forget about you after that, you also do the same thing to people😂… Me too😂😂😂…. We are all the same… Nobody cares

  2. Bro. I agree… but let me correct you weed has side effects when u try to quit it, if you are a extremely heavy user. Your body craves for it for 2 weeks. I have experienced this

  3. Weed is god's plant, when degree will be completed would file a petition to legalise it,
    It develops brotherhood
    Doesn't know discrimination
    Poor and rich may connect through it
    Stress relief
    It is herbal
    It is human
    It is the best……😄
    मन्दिर मस्जिद बैर कराते, एक कराती मधुशाला,
    Well technically it should be weed but anyway…..

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