What is decarboxylation, and why is it so important? | Weed Easy

If you took a cannabis bud and ate it raw, it wouldn’t have very much effect. But if you heat it, you can change the game entirely – through an important process …

39 responses to “What is decarboxylation, and why is it so important? | Weed Easy”

  1. What if you're not after getting high – you just want the CBD for the health benefits, then is it still better to decarb or in this case it doesn't matter and you CAN/SHOULD eat it raw?

  2. Pre heat your joint on a Teflon pan rolling it over and over one side to the other for a few minutes and then smoke it, it will hit way more than norma, it’s a nice life hack for when you’re low on weed and want to get the most of that last joint 😉

  3. doesn't cooking weed straight in your cake for example…like in the good old days, lol, decarb the weed" we always just ground it and threw it into cake or cookie mix…worked great!

  4. Nice.. was trying to figure this out yesterday didn't give it much a go though ended up just infusing my oil with 5 grams and added it to 1 cake, still was okay though but I'll try this next time and will hopefully be twice as strong 🙂

  5. Can somebody help me beacause i want to make spacecake (eddibles) with my friends but we are not alowed to smoke so weed must hide it from them so we dont want to use the oven because of the smell it will leave behind so we want to make cannabutter but is the melted butter enough to convert the thca to thc? Or do you really need an oven

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