What Happens When You Smoke Weed | Sadhguru

In this two-part speech, Sadhguru explains what happens when you smoke weed. Can Marijuana Lead to Enlightenment? If you know how to stimulate that from …

42 responses to “What Happens When You Smoke Weed | Sadhguru”

  1. I'm afraid he's never smoked but claims it affects decision making because some guy said so who never smoked, smoking does not affect driving or decision making in any way, how can someone who never smoked say he Can produce cannabis internally, if this is so, and all humans can do it also, why is the plant available to us externally, and why isn't our bodies producing it naturally without effort like all the other chemicals .

  2. marijuana has the power and ability to open yourself up to the spirit realm easily. Whenever you are open to these opposing dimensions the majority of the population is unaware that their own vibrations are not aligned meaning they have no type of spiritual protection so note you are vulnerable to any unwanted spirits or even malevolent addictions at any time. Recent studies show The usage and addiction rate increased by %60 from 2005- 2019 as depression rates rise rapidly studies will still tell you “It can help you”. Marijuana shouldn’t be used daily but in moderation for those that do not really suffer from medical conditions, it will only create medical conditions.

  3. Nonsense coke is even more worse than weed in decision making in the long term ! Tell about fluoride that is 1000000x more worse for your pineapple gland !

  4. Very misinformed on the affects of smoking marijuana. This goes back to our native Americans & some were/are very in tune with how we are all connected together & how important peace is.

  5. just floating by on a cloud of ganja smoke to say this is a great video and that love is all that matters in this life, be love..give love, be loved..surround your self with people you love and love you.. do things you love doing..listen to music you love listening to..just love over everything ❤

  6. Im stop smoking weed you know why because im not gone let it control n ruin my life goals n especially because im not a follower im a leader n weed controls u after a while n i wont be a slave to it

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