25 responses to “What are chances Texas will legalize medical marijuana in 2019?”

  1. Y'all see recreational and medical marijuana is all medical you shouldn't need a prescription for anyting people say cigarettes tobacco cigarettes fast food and of beer are all medications as well as caffeine and stuff

  2. Trump/Pence are Winning and Biden and Harris are sinning, ************Trump just might legalize nation wide ! Trump 2020 ! *************************
    If voted in I really think he will, this will aid in the recovery from the COVID virus and help recover the economy …. VOTE TRUMP 2020 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I am facing felony charges in Guadalupe county for having Marijuana carts on me, they are trying to say I am manufacturing a controlled substance!?! I've had bad back problems since I was 24 and I am now 41 and it isn't getting any better. I dont like taking pharmacy pills, ive got stuff to do. Marijuana is the only thing I like to take for my pains and they are trying to say me, as a grown man can't partake in nature!?! That is absurd. They want to crucify me for something I can do in Vegas or Cali. Texas needs reform

  4. Better than that poisin pills…….i sleep better eat better..talk better…learn better better temper..think better ..less shoulder pain…less depressions..less aixiaty…💝

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