What about Marijuana? Annie Grace answers.

Marijuana works on a very different part of the brain than other addictive drugs so it works on what’s called the endocannabinoid system and that’s actually a …

16 responses to “What about Marijuana? Annie Grace answers.”

  1. I have been a consistent marijuana cigarette and alcohol user for 20 years straight and 10 months ago I read your book and quit drinking and smoking cigarettes. Three months ago I finally found the courage to quit smoking marijuana and it was incredible! The withdrawals were terrible for three days but the openess that I got from not being clouded and numbed was the ticket to me finding the confidence to start my own business and find out who I truly was without substances. I do not think it will ever be a thing that interests me again. Thank you for everything

  2. Thank you for sharing. It took me a long time to admit that I was addicted to marijuana. I was always a smoker, but it did help me refrain from alcohol when I was ready to go dry. After two years of sobriety, I was feeling great and thriving in my comminity again. By 3 years, I was isolated, depressed and detached. I was craving the next puff. I smoked more cigarettes. It helped me during my pregnancy to not feel sick or anxious. I quit before my baby was born. Now, about 6 months later, I am finally starting to crave social interaction again. I don't feel obsessed anymore. This was my first video of yours. I think I willbe watching more. Thank you.

  3. Great answer … Spot on! So many drinkers don't even like pot, so it will never actually be a substitute. I quit drinking purely for health reasons, so I never really considered giving up weed as well.

  4. I appreciate what Annie says that for her it was a really slippery slope but there are some soft comments here. She says that she knows many people in Colorado who have smoked for years and it hasn't done them any harm. Sure about that? I read a study recently which said that marijuana is more likely to turn lung cells carcinogenic than normal tobacco cigarettes. People who would never suffer any psychosis in their lives have been turned psychotic by marijuana. Usually these people will have a latent pre-existing tendency, but the brain is very 'plastic' and if a life event comes along and causes the habitual pot smoker a lot of stress, there is an added danger of psychosis in an otherwise normal brain. I don't know about Denver but in London young men are being stabbed to death every other week by habitual cannabis users. Granted there are other factors involved, but weed is a contributor. I have personally known people who have become apathetic and pretty useless members of society for themselves and other people because of the way cannabis has altered their brain thinking. To say it is a safe substance is to swallow the lie put out by people who want to make a lot of money out of it and they are becoming louder every day.

  5. "There's been confirmed cases that marijuana has actually eliminated cancer which is pretty cool."
    This simply isn't true. David Gorski is a breast cancer oncologist who has taken the trouble to expose the "cannabis cures cancer" hypothesis as the wishful thinking/fraud that it is.

  6. I started to use it because here in Washington ST you have a store on every corner lol. I have used in the past and always quit after a few weeks for the same reasons. I become unproductive , isolated ect. It is a slippery slope, and works just like any other drug on the brain. I enjoy the right strain, but it become just another addiction. For medical reasons I think its great, but for people who already have depression or anxiety its trouble, because we use it as a blanket.

  7. I just love how you are so transparent! So informative and kind. Keep up the good work. I use medical marijuana and I also see that anytime I start using something to numb , my world .. that's a bad thing. So good thank you.

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