Watch The Effect Marijuana Has On Dogs After They Find Owners Stash

Videos of stoned dogs have been posted on YouTube and show what happens when people’s precious pooches accidently eat food laced with pot. Now that medical marijuana is legal in 23 states,…

49 responses to “Watch The Effect Marijuana Has On Dogs After They Find Owners Stash”

  1. Just so y’all know, blowing your pot in a dogs face does nothing, unless they choose to inhale it. If you really wanna get your pets stoned, blow it in their ear and close the ear and rub it in there so it settles. Never knew why my pets didn’t act this stoned until my gfs mom (vet and also stoner) informed me of this. Worked wonders

  2. When I smoked weed in highschool, my dog would always cuddle up to me, and take a nap, only getting up to eat, drink or go outside, even begrudgingly. I'm fairly certain he knew what being in the same room as me when I smoke entails. But yeah. Stoner dogs. Weed can be kinda positive with some dogs, some dogs get wayy too much anxiety tho. Same rules as people.

  3. was it a sativa? "pot" "marijuana" … those aren't helpful words… "was it a cookie?" cannabis comes in many forms. the method of ingestion and type of cannabis matters. journalists need to educate themselves

    "stoned" "pot"

    dear WHOA BROS in TV and radio land
    stick to clinical language

  4. It's actually not funny because it takes a long time for Marijuana to leave a dog's system so they walk around high for days until they get used to it or it wears off completely.

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