Virginia Legalizes Marijuana | Marijuana will be legal in Virginia after historic vote

Virginia Legalizes Marijuana | Marijuana will be legal in Virginia after historic vote Both chambers of the Virginia General Assembly just voted to legalize …

37 responses to “Virginia Legalizes Marijuana | Marijuana will be legal in Virginia after historic vote”

  1. The politicians need time to figure out how to extort every possible dollar from the citizens before the6 allow you to grow a plant that at its worst will make you relax and eat Cheetos.
    Since the6 won’t be making millions off corporate prisons jailing inner city minorities, they need to decide how to make up for the loss.
    Crooked bastards.

  2. All the wrong Info 🤦🏾‍♂️… simple possession of small amounts of weed will be legal starting July 1st while retail sales will be starting in 2024

  3. They want mellow everyone out with marijuana so they can ask for your guns and you will just hand them over without a fight. They keep dumbing down Americans and we fall for it without thinking. There has never been a war on drugs in this country, there is to much money to be made by people in high places to ever put a stop on drugs. They go through the process, arrest a few low key dealers and let the rest keep on dealing in drugs.

  4. I got to say it, I just want to have everyone understand that in Virginia they’re probably going to take those three years as a trial run. So perform your best my fellow stoners because this is a time for you to prove to Virginia that you’ve got your shit together.Just go at it balls deep.

  5. Look, I’m from VA Born and breed …. it’s been a long time coming, only reason the they want it legal is bc Now it makes people choose, between Guns or Ganja ! It’s a scheme to get the firearms out of the hands of the citizens. Pick and choose, divide and conquer! It’s Virginia Tactic. The Governor is a turd 💩 plus a racist( Mr.Black-Face). It’s all about fiat Currency 💴

  6. It’s crazy cause VA has 5 stores now that sells medical pot already. One of them is in Bristol Va in the mall that the Casino is going to be put into. The 5 stores along with 300 others applied to open a store for medical and paid $50,000 ea to get approval to open and only 5 was approved!! Where did that money go from the 295 that didn’t get approved?

  7. These guys aren’t reliable. It’s not legal yet. Both bills still have to pass the opposite house and if there are differences there will likely be a committee appointed to reconcile the differences. Miggy likes to talk about how everyone who disagrees with him “just makes stuff” but after watching several videos, he fails to actually provide any facts, data, or sources for his claims. Which is probably because he doesn’t know, just like he doesn’t understand the VA legislative process. Get your facts from doctors.

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