Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD) and Cannabis Cultivation

A deep dive into Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD) and cannabis plant growth. Nadia Sabeh​​, PhD, PE, LEED AP ​Owner, Founder of Dr. Greenhouse, Inc.

23 responses to “Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD) and Cannabis Cultivation”

  1. I would really like to know how defoliating affects VPD. Especially as its a common practice said to increase yields. Leaves are important for so many things so im just wondering why this practice is said to do this.

  2. Here's an easy way to understand what VPD is as a concept if you had trouble with this video. Relative humidity is a percentage because it's the ratio of how much moisture the air contains compared to how much it CAN hold at the current temperature. VPD is basically the other side of that coin – it's a measure of how much MORE moisture the air can hold at a given temperature.

  3. Sorry but she doesnt know what she is talking about when it comes to botrytis. Seems like she thinks its just passive mold growth on stressed plants. No, if you have a susceptible variety and inoculum in your growing area, following the vpd curve wont magically protect your plants. Its generally an okay guideline (recommends around 50 percent humidity in warm conditions.) I would say go down to 40 in the last 2 weeks. Saving some on your hvac bill isnt worth losing a full crop due to testing positive to botrytis.

  4. Not a word about leaf surface temps, which is a major factor of VPD.
    Think of a triangle, where you have to keep 3 factors constant within a parameter-
    air temp at top of canopy
    Relative humidity at top of canopy
    leaf surface temp at top of canopy
    you are looking to maintain 1-2 degC cooler leaf surface(LST) than ambient.
    Everything can look fine in the numbers if you ignore LST, but maybe little growth..
    then you check LST and find it is 5-6 degC below ambient,
    then you realise why LST is also on the VPD chart along with air temp & RH.

  5. Vpd is scary for cannabis for sure. Finding the happy middle. I like my humidity 55% but temps in mid to high 70s. If I get over 65% I worry and when lights shut off the the humidity should stay below the temp as if it goes above the temp that can cause issues. Juggling the VPD take the proper equipment and can be expensive on a large scale. Humidifiers dehumidifiers a/c and heaters etc are all needed to keep your humidity in check

  6. "Do people know about VPD?"
    What kinda question is that? What amount of quality information can be derived from such an arbitrary question? Her response to that alone consumed 2.5 minutes of your video!

    Her response in a nutshell: Yeah sure, but lets educate 'em some more.

  7. Thank you for the knowledge drop I live in canada and in the winter I have a hard time keeping rh over 25 % and definitely noticed a nutrient deficiency I think it's time to get a good humidifier and if I understand right around 50 % rh at 70 degrees Fahrenheit should shock the plants less ??

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