8 responses to “U.S. House To Vote On Marijuana Legalization For First Time”

  1. Marijuana is an addictive drug.
    Being addicted for many years and lying to myself because of the so called “evidence” that it does No Harm.

    I challenge all recreational users to stop smoking for more than a month.
    If you cannot then you’re addicted.
    If you relapse, you’re addicted.
    If you feel a need for it, you’re afflicted.
    If you’re more anxious or depressed without it, you’re addicted.

    The fact that marijuana does NOT damage your brain is false. There is new evidence showing correlation to drug abuse, harmful brain effects, and depression/anxiety among individuals that use marijuana recreationally.

    I’ve lived it. I’ve experienced it for over 10 years. Wake up and realize that These agencies promoting propaganda are biased and harming you.

    WAKE UP SOCIETY. Don’t let your lives suffer due to their negligence.

    Work hard, deal with your struggles apart from drugs and alcohol. Build yourself up without those dependencies and I promise, in time, you will succeed if you have the will.

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