Trying CBD Oil For The First Time – CBD Review

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3 responses to “Trying CBD Oil For The First Time – CBD Review”

  1. How abour looking into solution where you take stuff out instead of putting in. Like doing extended fasting or an elimination diet.

    That's going to be uncomfortable but if it works, there are no side effects. For example, many people going on 3-5 day water fast, after the initial first 2 days that suck, experience high mental clarity and sharper focus. It is thought that ketones contribute to these effects. You can try putting exogenous ketones (which are still very expensive) but that's a hack. I'd rather do the hard things first.

    Don't trust me. Look it up.

    Also, wim hof method: breathing + cold exposure. Completely free, no external substances needed.

  2. Dude i love your videos but out of concern for you, stop doing drugs and drinking alcohol. Its not good for you even if your brain tells you otherwise. Like why do it? If your back hurts from working so much take a pause, stretch gain some insight go kiss your girl, indulge with nature and go back to work. These substances will bring nothing but dependence and more pain. And yes i know i sound like an old person but trust me, i know from experience just drop it, you dont actually need it.

    -Much love from a concerned subscriber

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