43 responses to “trimming and pruning cannabis plants for biger buds”

  1. You might want to move closer in so that it is easier to see WHICH branches are thin and which branch has nothing that is going to flower. In other words, what shows what "the flower" looks like. (Yes, some of you can skip this missive.) This is, of course, for those of us who are pretty inexperienced. But either way, distance inhibits the viewer from seeing things clearly. Photographer here and we learned to move in close!

  2. Nice video but hard to see how you're choosing the limbs. they all look the same from the camera placement. Zooming might help us see things better. Thanks for the video, nonetheless.

  3. Or u can do it as it grows train them young stonger branches too veg atleast two months wile u wate for your first harvest evey two months even every month if u r cloneing too diffrents stages never run out happy frog soil if u can get it works great just need tea brews in flower

  4. I don't know much about this but I don't think I would chop off half my plant I understand you get more energy focused into the main top colas but I get a lot of bugs off the bottom of my plants

  5. pruning and pulling fan leafs off is two different worlds. probably should differentiate on that some people go and pull every leaf as the plant grows and wonder why they have a bald stick at the end.

  6. I leave the leaves on until they turn yellow and are about to fall of then I just pick them off, Biggest strongest plants I have ever had with tons of huge buds.
    The only thing I did was super crop them in veg to try and get them as wide as possible.
    The one plant I trimmed and did everything right, its small as hell, looks good but small.

  7. How long do you let them veg ? a) from seed
                                                  b) from clone

  8. Hey Scotty real love the vid and how u kept it general leaving it up to the grower at home to try things out in the grow. That is the best way to learn by doing. By trimming in veg before it goes into flower it's less stess on some plants remember thousands of strains out there, so by telling the majority of ppl to trim in veg it will be less stress and less likely a new grower won't screw up the plant. Because if you trim or top to soon after you flip the plant it could delay flowering. Something I learned from a interview on the podcast with Kyle Kushman I think it was. He was saying if we trim to soon into flower it could stress the plant to much and delay flowering up to 2 extra weeks. So a good rule to follow, don't trim 5 days before you flip a plant. And after its in flower wait 10 days to trim.

  9. I am only in week seven of "vegetative growth" on my dwarf indica.. (I didn't plan for a dwarf, it just happened lol) I grow outdoors in china, and I am a bit confused when to top and prune.. I have had good success on Sativa strains with trimming just barely in to the flowering stage. But, Indica is a whole new animal to me.. When should I top my plant and when  should I start trimming to achieve a higher yield? Reply's and advice are much welcomed! I am such a noob on Indica outdoors 🙁

  10. I try to avoid flowers. Im told flowers are ONLY on the less desirable MALE plants. But hey, lottsa folks on YouTube put out bad info. Thank you for your opinion.

  11. You sais not to do this in flower. I have been doing this in like week 1 of flower just because it seems easier to find them once just a titch of stretch get started. Is that going to negatively effect something if I keep doing that? Also, is it okay to take about 15% of what I call the inner leaves at week 1 of flower to allow more light and better air flow? Peace

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