Tommy Chong Fighting Prostate Cancer With Cannabis Oil

CANNABIS CULTURE – Tommy Chong, legendary comedian and hero of the marijuana movement, told CNN in a recent interview that he has been diagnosed …

31 responses to “Tommy Chong Fighting Prostate Cancer With Cannabis Oil”

  1. he's saying dont legalize decriminalize, hes right if the goverment starts to regulate it and grow it they'll fuck it up some way and say it kills people and ban it again those ignorant bastards.

  2. That's a great reason. We should criminalize vehicles too. Ryan Dun went 120mph and killed himself and a friend with a vehicle. If he didn't have the car he couldn't have killed himself. Let's banish vehicles, they kill people!

  3. Shouldn't be legalized because the government will get there hands and start fucking with this wonderful plant and turn it around and say pot kills don't legallize pot

  4. June 10 "I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer I'm going to start treating with Hemp Oil. The reason why I'm treating with Hemp Oil I saw a video called RUN FROM THE CURE by Rick Simpson, it documents how he cured his Melanoma Cancer using Hemp Oil"*
    July 12 "Got blood test results, Hemp Oil is working! PSA DOWN to 2 (below 4 is normal) yes"*
    July 15 "Did I mention I'm 99% CANCER FREE? Thanks Hemp Oil"*
    July 20 "I'm on The Daily Show this coming Tuesday talking about what else pot!"*
    *Tommy Chong

  5. Hi Big Mark my name is Arthur, i am from baltic states EU, I want start indoor and out door marihuana growing,but i have little financial problem I need 5-10 seeds for start I can pay 30$.
    I want Marihuana Worldwide legaization, but first I can start growing in baltic states and give seeds for every one what want do this.I need only some seeds for my self. You can send me a messege in youtube our call me : +37126394825

  6. PANACEA 101
    "We had one gentleman with lung cancer who had been given 24 hours to live. After a good dose of oil he left the hospital the very next day. We have had great results even in people who had stage 4 lung cancers. Hemp oil can rejuvenate kidney, lung, liver, pancreas functions etc. We've seen improvements in brain function in Alzheimer's patients, etc. I've seen severe 3rd degree burns healed completely in 11 days with no scarring."
    Rick Simpson

  7. DEATH 101
    "Dr. Mechoulam (Cannabis Researcher 52+ years) discovered why massive doses of Cannabis HASN'T killed anybody not one recorded death. We DON'T have Cannabinoid Receptors CB1/CB2 in the Medulla Oblongata, part of the Brain that controls Respiration and Heart rate. Massive or even not so massive doses of many OTHER drugs cause Respiratory depression, Cardiac suppression and Death. Massive Marijuana doses might make people fall a sleep but it DOESN'T stop their breathing/heart"
    Dr. Lucido

  8. "Dr. Burzynski has referred patients to us, you wouldn't believe how many people from Texas A&M who sent patients down this way. Other very well known Institutes who when they have nothing else to offer, we could try. It's kind of frustrating because we get so many patients from that have had 25 rounds of Chemo and Radiation. We have to try and counteract the damage and then go after the problem. We're getting recognized by the regular Medical Institutions."
    Dr. Sweeney, Phoenix Tears Foundation

    "We extract Cannabinoids in a solvent, Petroleum Ether it's more or less Gasoline (Rick Simpson's favorite solvents: 1st Petroleum Ether: expensive, 2nd Pure Naphtha: inexpensive, 3rd 100% Alcohol OR 99% Isopropyl Alcohol: less effective). Stir it for a coupe of hours take the solvent pour it out evaporate the solvent with heat. Cannabinoids are lipid-soluble so they DISSOLVE in Petroleum Ether, in Gasoline"
    Dr. Mechoulam, Cannabis/Cannabinoid Researcher for 52+ years

  10. Isopropyl Alcohol 3032
    Methanol 9070
    Methanol Blend 80% 9148
    Meethyl Alcohol Anhydrous 3016
    Methyl Ethyl Ketone 6240
    Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether 9034
    Methylene Chloride 9324
    N,N-Dimethylformamide 4929
    N-Heptane (Normal) 5177
    P-Dioxane 9231
    Petroleum Ether 35-60C 9268
    Pyridine 3348
    Reagent Alcohol Absolute 7019
    Tetrahydrofuran 8498
    Toluene 9460
    Trichloroethylene Stabilized 8600
    Xylenes 9490

  11. 1-Butanol 9054
    2-Propanol 9084
    Acetone 2440
    Acetonitrile 0043
    Butyl Alcohol Normal 3000
    Chloroform 4440
    Dichloromethane 4881
    Dimethylformamide 9221
    Ether 9240
    Ether Anhydrous 9244
    Ethyl Acetate 4992
    Ethyl Ether Anhydrous 0848
    Ethylene Glycol 9300
    Formaldehyde 37% Solution 2106
    Formaldehyde 5016
    Hexanes 5189

  12. doesn't really matter if the substance used to extract is volatile as long as it is burnt off.. what do you think pharmaceutical companies use to make extracts.

  13. Researchers over the last 10 years have discovered that humans have an Endocannabinoid system that regulates most of our body in regards to health. We have 2 receptors CB1 and CB2 that allow cannabinoids to bind to. Cannabis has been found through thousands of anecdotal and many research studies to actually fight off and kill cancer cells while leaving healthy ones alone through multiple actions.

  14. I totally get what hes saying but we NEED to tax it so it can be regulated otherwise all the problems associated with prohibition will never really go away

  15. "The Rick Simpson Oil is the treatment of choice for (CURING MY PROSTATE) Cancer, I believe that 100%. I never missed work in the 6 months I was in treatment. I'd take a large dose of the Oil at night and sleep through it. A small dose during the day and I wouldn't feel anything because I was already accustomed to it. I'd drive safely, work, live my life normally. For anyone who would like to use the Rick Simpson method of curing Cancer follow his instructions exactly."
    Biochemist, Dennis Hill

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