The US Govt's Patent on Medical Marijuana (THC Cures Cancer))

Daily News @ ~The govt says that cannabis has no medicinal value yet they hold a patent! US Patent 6630507 titled “Cannabinoids …

10 responses to “The US Govt's Patent on Medical Marijuana (THC Cures Cancer))”

  1. To all the anti-cannabis "Christians" out there–"The Lord hath created medicines out of the Earth and he that is wise shall not reject them"–Ecclesiastes 38:4–CANNABIS OIL CURES CANCER!! Every unbiased research study (done outside the US) confirms that not only does cannabis oil treat the symptons and alleviates pain, IT CURES CANCER!!–Spread the word–THERE IS A CURE FOR CANCER!!

  2. In 1974 researchers at the Medical College of Virginia, who had been funded by the National Institute of Health to find evidence that marijuana damages the immune system, found instead that THC slowed the growth of three kinds of cancer in mice — lung and breast cancer, and a virus-induced leukemia.


    The US GOVERNMENT has been letting people die since 1974…we all know it is a lot longer than that though…

  3. it is bullshit that the vets who may benefit from this but dont live in these states will get pisse test by their dr's and if they pop positive they dont get treatments or other meds it is not fair that some vet in cali can smoke or vap this with help and i cant but i can take methadone and dilaudin till my stomach bleeds and still dont get a lot of pain relief, but lord forbid i roll a joint. I have never done it, but would love to try just to see if it helps and if it does i would do it!!!

  4. In 2003 the federal government awarded theDepartment of Health and Human Services a patent on marijauna. Google: Department of Health and Human Services patent #6,630,507, “Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants.
    Though to the government, marijauna is still a schedule I narcotic with NO MEDICAL USE.

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