The Science of Cannabis: The Genetics of Cannabis Breeds

There is a rich informal taxonomy of Cannabis strains with exotic and evocative names. How do these breeds reflect the genetic relationships among different …

43 responses to “The Science of Cannabis: The Genetics of Cannabis Breeds”

  1. This whole video is shit and really shady, Your info on genetics isn't even right and who refers to DNA as a bar code. Hope someone burns your headquarters down before you ruin something

  2. 56:40…. he answers "no." And is incorrect. Who's he to say there are no theories? Ya, HE hasn't any theories. I can come up with some! The man asking I'm sure has one of his own, thus the reason to ask the pondered question. YES. Yes cannabis has been recorded in agriculture in MOST early civilizations. Dating ALL the way back to ancient america. Pre Chinese america. Some stuff you never heard about. It was selectively bred by humans thousands of years. I would argue even most wild varieties are often the descendants of weed grown by ancient peoples. Many of those traits may be way deep in its DNA, but selective breeding can bring them out. And theres SO many good ones out there I figure it's a high likelyhood it is what it is now literally because of humans. Even the wild varieties have great desires traits deep within their dna, doesnt that suggest they were at one point thriving with those genetics? Idk. That's a theory tho! lol

  3. I would only add this guy needs to practice on his delivery and public speaking. A bit like having to sit through speech from high school by a student who is not enjoying giving it.

  4. look at the ´´donau kultur´´. the first domesticated plants are found there, 40.000 years old. it was hemp and meen(??? ´´Mohn´´ in german).ist in hungary,germany and östereich(???,sry for my bad english)

  5. I think that they would have but some effort to research cannabis before 1960…
    Seems like a very narrow view. Some of the original land races are still out there. But if all your research is done with Google you would likely not realize that

  6. Seriously… Nobody… Nobody sees how high this guy is? I am 14 mins in and I am thinking… Mowgli boy if u have an  anxiety problem pls don't smoke before a presentation I mean.. He thinks in his head that there are minor technicalities and insane coincidental malfunctions happening around him but clearly its not the case. And some genius suggested that he should free-talk the prez… Man u are higher than he is.. Anyhow I hope it gets better the next 50 mins and I don't mean the sound. And, No I don't mind anybody being high from the herb but nobody addressed it… Peace Out!!!!!

  7. Cannabis plants are some beautiful that thier is. Cannabis and hemp are gifts from the creator or creators of this earth, you, and the universe and beyond.
    Cannabis is one of the most important plants there is not just a way into the plant world.

  8. Aren't you guys at all embarrassed by the quality of the audio here (and of the rest of the lectures as well)?!?!? It is just ridiculous. Why bother sharing them to the world at all, other than to embarrass yourselves? Who run the Botanical Garden? I've been there many times. The place is gorgeous, well-runned, well-taken care of. But you can't extend the resources to this Youtube channel that bares your name?!?!? Shame on you, whoever you are, you know yourselves. DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS.

  9. "….forget about GMO's.." why would a scientist tell people to forget about facts? because they are a disinformation shill. cannabis was the FIRST plant to be genetically modified. search 'kaneh bosm' for the history as to WHY the government (bankers and their paid science puffs, like this guy)

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