10 responses to “The Pros and Cons of Marijuana Legalization | Fortune”

  1. Smoked cannabis for 20 years never missed a day I get up I go to work I spend time with friends and family I have no mental issues nor any motivation issues doctors don't like admitting they messed up and prescribed deadly opioids instead of the naturally healing plant matter as they would face legal proceedings

  2. Recognizing a drug legally is excepting failure.its what big government wants then your even easier to controll.tell you what bring in your guns and we will give you a pound per firearm. Sheep!!

  3. Ok so too much alcohol kills you right? Too much weed makes you hungry and sleepy.. Thousands of examples like this but they dont care. Lets advertise beer and liqour. Lets make new pills with worse side effects than what its supposed to cure. This is America

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