The Positive Effects Of Marijuana

The DEA recently decided to keep marijuana a schedule 1 drug, meaning it has no medical benefits. This is clearly false. Ben Mankiewicz (What The Flick), John Iadarola (ThinkTank), and Jimmy…

20 responses to “The Positive Effects Of Marijuana”

  1. I'm on section 8 and I live in Oklahoma City where you have to have a medical card and I keep hearing that you cannot have one if you're on section 8 or they'll take it away so say someone has seizures in their own section 8 and it takes away their seizures so they can't have that medicine all because they're on section 8 which is b***** to me part of me wants to go ahead and get my medical card and hope that section 8 doesn't find out and the other part of me is hesitated cuz I've been homeless and it sucks idk what to do no I was just using that as an example I don't get seizures bipolar as hell and it helps me not be so bipolar I wish they would change it man say it makes me even mad cuz someone who can go get a prescription of Xanax it's on section 8 but yet they won't tell them that they can't have their Xanax huiuuu

  2. Ben there to always play Devil's Advocate or Centrist-Right Advocate, bleh is annoying even if it isn't his real belief and he is just trying to provide a moderate counter-point to the argument so it isn't one-sided….i'd almost it rather be one-sided propaganda tho, 😛 ok maybe not….but Jimmy is more relatable to me then, because he always goes full-blown radical Left-Libertarian on everyone, which is cool.

  3. But all these greedy bastards want is money and if marijuana is legalized and used as medicine it gets rid of most other medicines that only fix one illness at a time.

  4. The DEA is ignorant and just wants to keep hurting countless innocent American Lives. Hey U.S. Gov, Don't Open up medical Cannabis dispensaries here then if it's so dangerous. Oh yeah, you guys just want to keep extorting money from Americans on two different levels. It's legal it's not legal it's legal it's illegal it's legal it's illegal it's legal it's illegal. Move it from the schedule 1 list and start saving lives. But don't have it be a catch 22 where your extorting money from the dispensarys (where it's okay to pick up medical cannabis right?) and then arresting Citizens for having cannabis!! It makes no sense and it's immorally wrong. Very Wrong on so many levels. Cannabis needs to be legal Today (not tomorrow) in All 50 states! This medicine (exactly medicine is what is and has been for century's) is life saving and has killed no one.

  5. "legalized medical marijuana has seen a sharp drop in opioid-based painkiller prescriptions…" And there's the reason it's still called a schedule 1 drug, which by definition means it has no medical value. The regulatory agencies work for big pharma.

  6. Recreational marijuana will be legalized nationwide in Canada in 2017. The DEA is a big employer in our nation. That's the real problem. Everything from drug testing manufacturers to bail bond lenders. Technology used for drug raids and the list goes on.

  7. Medicinal marijuana (i.e. marijuana for medical purposes) should be legalised but it shouldn't be straight up legalised like it is in Colorado. I was a former user and it makes you real lazy, and you lose motivation and at times even concentration. So yeah shouldn't be used for recreation but medicinal uses are ok!

  8. I think the only thing holding back the change of marijuana from schedule 1 drug is the pharmaceutical companies do not want it on the market to compete with their addictive pain killing drugs.

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