The Marijuana Question: 788

Watch a debate over State Question 788, which would legalize medical marijuana in Oklahoma. Featured panelists are Dr. Jean Hausheer, president of the …

30 responses to “The Marijuana Question: 788”

  1. “Nooo I’m not against it.” I’m just up here arguing to oppose it. She is constantly covering her ass to make her not seem like ‘the bad guy’.

  2. she says we need further study before we can legalize marijuana  for any use…………………in a free country, adult men and women should be able to consume any substance that they want to consume…………………..whatever information  we have gathered in the last 45 years should be summarized , placed on the drug package and free men and women should be able to  decide whether they will use that drug after reading the list of effects

  3. the information we have about marijuana is that it is one of the safest substances on the planet………….if I have found that it is also very effective in treating my illness , what else would the doctor  tell me that would make his opinion more important than mine?

  4. if marijuana stops working for an ailment then the patient can stop using it……………….if they are in pain on a daily basis they don't have time  to wait for people to study the drug further……………….they need relief for their pain now………………..especially if they have found that marijuana relieves that pain

  5. she asked  what is the rush to pass this…………where's the emergency?……………….the guy said people with constant pain…………….she said  we care about them…………………….I guess not enough to let them relieve the daily pain they are in by legalizing marijuana

  6. So what about the ATF thing that says if you are registered for medical marijuana that you can no longer buy a gun.
    I mean come on, a pothead is the last person is going to shoot someone.

  7. "Water is dangerous." using the essentials of LIFE to combat this discussion shows that Dr's and physicians are just ignorant. Seek creditable cannabis professionals and micro-dose yourself. ~ sincerely, the will of the people.

  8. Pharma must be padding this doctor's pockets. PubMed has more articles on Cannabis and more data than Tylenol and Advil. Keeping writing your deadly opiate prescriptions!

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