The Highs and Lows of Medical Marijuana: Marijuana’s effects on physiology, health, and society

Presented by Harvard graduate students Nick Jikomes, John Hatch, and Kayla Davis. Fall 2015 Lecture Series. Marijuana is a psychoactive substance widely …

6 responses to “The Highs and Lows of Medical Marijuana: Marijuana’s effects on physiology, health, and society”

  1. Please stop using the word "marijuana". The plant and medicine is "cannabis".
    Marijuana was a word used by Harry J Anslinger to promote a racist hysteria against cannabis in the 1930s that led to cannabis being classified as an illegal substance and listed as a Schedule I drug.

  2. Regarding how CBD affects CB1: Anandamide is broken down in the brain by an enzyme called FAAH. When stress (cortisol) is high, FAAH goes high, and anandamide goes down. CBD lowers FAAH, which in return raises the levels of anandamide = more CB1 activity.

  3. Very good Conference. The only tiny bothersome aspect was Mr. John Hatch's voice infection. Mr. Hatch was very knowledgeable and basically on the whole, well-spoken. However, he repeatedly ends his sentences with his voice inflecting a up-note. When this is done it mimics the inflection that sounds just like the person is asking an question and not vocalizing a statement. Is this lilt a Massachusetts type of dialect?

  4. The analogy of cannabis plants to dogs seems a bit far afield. Would it
    not be more reasonable to compare our genetic manipulation of any one
    of various plants, vegetables, or fruits to the cannabis plant therefore
    staying in the realm of plants. After all, cannabis is definitely not a mammal.

    Also do I find Mr. Jikomes beginning to be incorrect when he states that cannabis reached the United States in the early part of the 20th century. If he could, now would be the time to make changes to his knowledge base. From historical texts we learn that in 1492 Christopher Columbus brought cannabis to America and traded seeds with the native Americans. In the year of 1620, the Mayflower also brought cannabis seeds as cargo to be used and to be farmed. The first drafts of the American Constitution as well as the Constitution of the United States itself were all written on cannabis " hemp" paper therefore pre-20th century. I am as he (and they) are a product of the gleaned information that is often hidden and hard to pin down (not counting the personal interpretation of said data).

    Overall the discussion is one that is needed and I am pleased to hear young people who will one day help lead the Nation interact with other young people on this subject. I think that as time passes and these young students learn more from valid reports and inputs they will gain a broader base of knowledge on which to formulate a more credible position in this field of study.

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