The Effect of Marijuana on NoFap Benefits

A quick reflection on how marijuana use effects the benefits of a NoFap lifestyle. Keywords: Marijuana and NoFap Is Pot effecting me? Revisiting your values …

29 responses to “The Effect of Marijuana on NoFap Benefits”

  1. Okay I'm going to be real with you I've stopped smoking for a drug test and I find it's quite the opposite a couple weeks ago I felt at my edge hyper-focus extremely productive and I feel it was being maintained by regular brakes in consciousness with marijuana we're now I feel so much more I unfocused and just tired also I'm a nofap going on day who knows 400-500 I lost count I feel like weed always helped me stay in the fight and sort of tap in on the superpowers that nofap gives you

  2. Its the dopamine. If you want to keep appreciating the little things in life like good friends, good music, good food, your dog, books, learning, curiosity, etc then don't smoke pot. Because it releases too much dopamine and numbs your receptors for a good few days. And in those few days life will feel empty, you'll lose motivation. However you may gain creativity and see life from another perspective from nofap. All the benefits you gained from nofap WILL return in a few days but those few days will feel off. IMO it's not a big deal to smoke pot once in a while, like once a month or so but any more than that and I don't think it's worth it. Just my humble opinion.

  3. Two sides to this. Weed gave me so many benefits if used as a tool vs just getting high. I was able to think more clearly, not stress and use my time high to be more creative….express myself even do loads of research. All depends on what you do with it. ya get high and jerk off then yes…..nothing good will come out. And when I say smoke, maybe once a month if that

  4. One important thing to keep in mind is everybody is different and has their own lifestyle. I smoke a little bit of weed once a night, but I never do it out of boredom. Being a musician, I actually find that it helps me focus and get my mind in the zone when it comes time to sit down for a lengthy practice session. On top of that, I find that it has actually given me more motivation to abstain from fapping due to the introspective thought patterns THC elicits. Just don't let it get in the way of your responsibilities, and make sure you're actually using it to do productive things instead of just sitting around playing video games.

  5. Wise words, bro. Thanks for sharing your point of view. If I may, how long did it take you to begin to feel the beneficial effects of not having cannabis circulating in your veins?

  6. fapping ruins my day and makes my life feel boring and meaningless. Smoking helps me with that ALOT. But… when i smoke, higher libido causes me to relapse……so then i get bored, i smoke again. It becomes a cycle. Working on it….

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