Texas to LEGALIZE or DECRIMINALIZE Cannabis in 2021?

Texas to LEGALIZE or DECRIMINALIZE Cannabis in 2021? Subscribe to my Other YouTube Channels: LMC News: …

29 responses to “Texas to LEGALIZE or DECRIMINALIZE Cannabis in 2021?”

  1. Hi! I have an assignment for my law enforcement class and I have a few questions I have to answer, I was wondering if you could help with a few minutes to help me answer the questions?:)

    These are the questions:

    What does this mean for average Texans?

    How might this affect the workforce in Texas?

    How might this affect the economy in Texas?

    How might this affect the Criminal Justice and Prison system in Texas?

  2. Citizens are not recognizing the truth behind weed being illegal. The entity that owns the US Dollar along with most large corporations in America…. including the alcohol industry views it as direct competition. They made it illegal to ensure citizens continue to buy alcohol. It has NOTHING to do with "drugs" and "safety"……..IT HAS TO DO WITH MONEY. People would not spend the enormous amounts being charged for alcohol when they can grow weed-free in their house…..have fewer health problems and no hangover. Legalizing it will result in a controlled cash cow just like alcohol. They will legalize its sale but not it "growing in your basement"…… which will be against the law! It is all about money……. it is not about the citizen's benefit. We live in a world of constant and increasing controls in every single aspect of our lives.

  3. I've said it multiple times. Doctors can't prescribe drugs that are on the scheduled substance act. So therefore doctors won't even write scripts for it medically in texas. This will be the easiest way for med patients to have easier access!!!

  4. Thanks for the update LMC. I'm from Indiana and I wish this state would get pressure to legalize.. we have recreational states to the north and west and medical legalized to the east… still no action towards legalization in Indiana. I am glad for Texas though I really hope they get some bills passed. Good luck to you Texas.

  5. Thanks for your support for active military any vets bruh. I've been smoking the CBD flower, but I'm hoping weed would get legalized everywhere. I live in Austin and it just sucks.

  6. Ty for the update. Much luv from tx as allways. Lots of vets from here. I have a couple of buddies who fell in to hard drugs after returning from war and they need this. Cut the shit treat our vets for free

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