TEXAS CANNABIS LEGALIZATION: State Senator Proposes Bill To Legalize Marijuana!

TEXAS CANNABIS LEGALIZATION: State Senator Proposes Bill To Legalize Marijuana! Please Subscribe to my Other YouTube Channels: Frame of Flower …

21 responses to “TEXAS CANNABIS LEGALIZATION: State Senator Proposes Bill To Legalize Marijuana!”

  1. Arizona is a deep red state and they set the herb free. This gives me hope that Texas will do the same. Us Texans need to call and/or email our state senators, state representatives, lieutenant governor, and the governor to make sure it happens.

  2. White NORMAL woman punish DISABILITY people too much and they TRIED to arrest us DURING the holidays and LOCKDOWN and were lying about the white women power movement in Marin county only arresting DISABILITY people of all races

  3. I seggest all DISABILITY people walk out of public school system because of how whites think about you in reality and dont worry about being held back as a threat because they cut me off too much

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