1. When you say "fish oil is bad for dogs" are you referring to the human fish oil capsules or salmon oil? I have been giving my two labradors salmon oil for a little over a year now because of the health benefits. Its great for their skin and coat health not to mention its really good for heart health, joint health, and cognitive function. I'm just genuinely curious! In regards to your video I am seriously considering purchasing CBD/ hemp oil for my 3 year old rescued lab. She suffers from separation anxiety and gets super agitated whenever she hears a car drive by or sees new people. She not aggressive by any means, new things just stress her out. I'm hoping to start incorporating CBD into both dogs diets because of the amazing benefits that you mentioned! Both of my dogs, especially my 7 year old lab, suffer from joint issues. Penny (my 3 year old lab) has had her right shoulder pop out a few times. As for Buck (the 7 year old) his age and genes are starting to catch up with him unfortunately. The supplements I've been giving them seem to help, but we still have days where Buck get lame/sore from playing. He likes to roughhouse with his sister and it sometimes gets the best of him. Anyway, dog mom tangent over lol, loved the vid!!

  2. Katy, I see you are advertising for Amazon. I'm not sure you're aware or not but Amazon doesn't allow CBD to be sold on their platform, it's in their seller terms. So what you see on Amazon is only hemp oil, there is no CBD in it. Many products are mislabeled on there too. Some companies manage to get their products on the platform but they get pulled down. If you're interested. We have a free business opportunity. Our CBD Pet Tag is the first of it's kind and works for up to a yr. No dosing, it just works when you need it, where you need it and in the right amount, you need 24/7. Our products have at least 2 patents, some have more. We've won 13 awards including the prestigious Edison Gold Medal. Our products have NO ingredients in them so no CBD or THC enters the body. Products are for people and pets.

  3. Today’s my dogs first day of cbd oil. I noticed the calmness while we were eating as she is always whining and barking bc we ignore her so she discontinued but she doesn’t care she keeps on whining lol. Tomorrow I will try giving her a walk and see how that goes. She is usually a puller and is crazy sniffling everything. You have beautiful dogs. I love how the dog have two different eye color

  4. I have a female doberman as well. Will be 4 in december. I have to kennell her while I'm at work or she will chew my apartment walls. She shakes co instantly whole shes in there and my neighbors complain that she sounds like shes trying to get out. So I bought some hemp oil chews to try but shes already on salmon oil chews. Should I stop using the salmon oil chews if I'm going to use these? Any other ideas are welcome. Besides moving, that's not an option for me atm. Beautiful girl btw I wish I could post a picture she looks just like my shadow!

  5. That CAT needs some of that Hemp Oil 😆😆… It's clawing says to me, "Y'all are stressing me out with all this activity & chaos in MY realm of dominance."🤣

  6. I have a 17 month old standard poodle who barks/lunges at strange dogs. Tried a trainer and all recommended cures for this, but not good unless I see the dog before my dog does. Not always possible! I'm going to try this. Can you tell me how you measure the drops if you put the dropper in his mouth????

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