Terminal Cancer Patient Sent To Jail For Medical Marijuana

“A terminal cancer patient who says he grew marijuana to treat his tumors was found guilty of drug charges Wednesday by an Iowa jury that wasn’t allowed to …

33 responses to “Terminal Cancer Patient Sent To Jail For Medical Marijuana”

  1. yeah that's how we roll in Iowa. Backwards many many many times. I guarantee they weren't selling it. Iowa gets stupider by the day. Kim Reynolds vetoed ANY expansion of the current 3% THC cap which makes it a medical CBD program, not a medical cannabis program. We need a Governor that's gonna let us with extreme ailments get care, but it seems she wants to lock us up rather than listen. Vote Gov. Reynolds out!

  2. This is me, Cody Mackenzie. We just lost our appeals. I can suspect that most of the troll comments on this video are being typed out by the corrupted and downright sociopathic COWARDS and TRAITORS that are working in Scott County courts to slander and defame our character for their unjust win. Make no mistake, I'm not asking for anyones sympathy, I just ask that people would delve deeper into the FULL story before making unfounded bias for my family. Thank you.

  3. I live in Montana and have been charged with growing marijuana on an expired marijuana card. I am facing 2 YEARS to LIFE in the state prison and a $50,000 fine!! I am an MS patient and am very sick!! I require the use of medical cannabis for my debilitating condition that makes me have leg spasms, as noted by an ACTUAL neurologist, not just some pot doctor. I had 2 large plants and like ten small clones. No guns or children in the house. No prior felonies. NOT in a school zone. I cant afford an attorney and am questioning whether i should get a court appointed attorney from the same state that's trying to lock me up!! This whole thing is SICK AND WRONG!! please HELP!

  4. 80% of the people in Iowa are for legal medical use, yet this man was not allowed to use this at his defense!  The medical treatments that the doctors give for his illness may keep him alive for 3 years!  Yet he has managed to live 7 years!  I don't use marijuana, but if I needed it to live, I would!  This man was not even allowed to use it to defend himself!  This is so wrong, he will keep using it and I don't blame him, God bless him, I think he's telling the truth, he has the right to life, liberty and happiness!

  5. Cannabis oil is a treatment for cancer which actually  shrinks tumors. It takes lots of pot to make oil, thus the high number of plants for personal use. The man has been in effect  sentenced to death by the ignorance of the justice system and a corrupt government. Guess he should have moved to Colorado. 

  6. Humans……are SO fucking gross. Let the man use WHATEVER he wants. If someone has cancer and wants to use heroin to make their final years happy….let them! What's the worst that can happen? They get addicted? So fucking what? They'll be dead soon enough….they'll never even experience withdrawal. But….marijuana…..that's even safer…by far. This is just gross. Our "justice" system is evil. Period.

  7. If it is a jury trial, all the judge would need to do is instruct the jury in the laws against medical marijuana before letting him present his defense. The clinically insane are allowed to present a defense based on what they believe to have been experiencing at the time.

  8. No.., only children who have tried 'every other epilepsy medication', (without any relief ), are the only ones supposed to be allowed to receive the oil from other states. So far as I know, not 1 child has received ,or will receive any cannabis oil in Iowa.That will be the day!  Meanwhile there are tens of thousands of adults and terminally ill who could benefit from Cannabis as a medicine so what we have in Iowa is just more political posturing for the Governors run for re-election and nothing else but zero tolerance for the people who pay the taxes in this state.

  9. 71 plants is a lot he would have still got in trouble in many states. Fact remains.. like they said on the video… ITS FREAKIN WEED!!!! Who the hell cares…. You should be able to grow a whole damn field of it if that's what YOU want to do.

  10.  There is NO health reason for pot to be illegal. It is insane that we are ruining people's lives over this plant that we have a human right to. This was never made illegal due to health concerns. There is nothing wrong with this plant. We have a right to be able to grow this safely ourselves.
     It is our God Given Right!!! Stop believing the propaganda!!

  11. The guy was growing weed to extract the oils and rub it on his skin the weed he was growing didn't even have Thc it had Cbd poor guy wasn't even getting high he was just making hemp lotion!

  12. The reason he had so many plants is because he uses the OIL produced from marijuana plants to treat the skin lesions his type of cancer causes. It takes a lot more plants to produce the amount of oil he needs. It has been the only thing he has found to relieve the pain and help heal the lesions even if it is only temporary. This guy doesn't have much time left, I doubt he will go to jail even if he is convicted and sentenced because of his health but it is ridiculous to deny a person something that eases their suffering in situations like this. Not allowing him to explain his situation should be criminal. I know a crime is a crime but show some judgment, some "crimes" are committed for good reasons and as long as no one and nothing is hurt in any way from it then we should really debate whether any crime actually took place even.

  13. I thought the 6th Ammendment entitles everyone to a FAIR and speedy trial, how was it that the judge could block the defendent's defense? I'd say something like "Oh well, at least this flings the doors open to appeals" but the guy's dying from cancer, in his blood vessels, where it can rapidly spread to the rest of his body…

  14. Is Gina from the Midwest? I wasn't sure… I think she said she's from the Midwest… In EVERY. single. clip TYT puts up with her in it. Gina, we love you… We know you're from the Midwest. 😉

  15. America disgusts me. Alcohol has no medical use and kills 88,000 a year. Studies have proven marijuana is safer and we're still wasting our tax dollars sending innocent smokers to jail. 

  16. If he wasn't under contract with the state for Medical Marijuana, then the denial of a defense for the Breech of Contract which the law decides whether Medical defense can or cannot be used should be irrelevant. He should be allowed to state to a jury the reasons of his actions. What ever they are! 
     Maybe courts are trying to protect them selves from people telling lies under oath or retaining crucial information in order too in there eyes get the jury's conviction that the prosecuter wants?  

  17. 71 plants?
    that's a lot for personal usr isn't it?
    I agree with everything that has been said, but 71 plants? that's a fucking green house. that's about 20 plants a month (with a 3 month blossoming period).
    who the fuck smokes 20 plants a month for medicinal purposes?

  18. I can't believe Gina is from Kansas..Kansas has the dullest, most religious people in the Midwestt; even Nebraska seems more enlightened in comparison.  A real dreary state in a dreary area of the country.

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