33 responses to “Tampa Bay lawmaker files bill to legalize recreational marijuana in Florida”

  1. The Governor needs to get off his ass and approve this when the time comes and stop running around worrying about covid bullshit

  2. As a "far-leftist", I don't often find myself agreeing with republicans, but I like the way this guy is talking. Now if we could just expand that logic to all drugs, gambling, and prostitution. But whatever, let's get this out of way and fight about the rest later.

  3. Would be nice to sit on my porch and lite one up without one of Grady Judd's helicopters suddenly appearing overhead with his tactical Squads repelling down upon me and throwing me in prison for something that causes less harm than alcohol.

  4. I wish it was legal when I used to smoke Marijuana. I would definitely have not gone to unsafe gang infested areas to buy Marijuana. This would have saved me alot of trouble.

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