Surprising truths about legalizing cannabis | Ben Cort | TEDxMileHigh

In 2012, Colorado legalized cannabis and kickstarted a multibillion dollar industry with every product imaginable — brownies, gummy bears, granola bars, even …

49 responses to “Surprising truths about legalizing cannabis | Ben Cort | TEDxMileHigh”

  1. Russia subsidizes vodka so all Russians can afford it in bulk. By keeping people intoxicated they won't notice how bad things are in Russia.
    Lawmakers in the U.S. have the same thing in mind only they want to strangle people with additional taxes while we're doped up on "pot".

  2. Citizens are not recognizing the truth behind weed being illegal. The entity that owns the US Dollar along with most large corporations in America…. including the alcohol industry views it as direct competition. They made it illegal to ensure citizens continue to buy alcohol. It has NOTHING to do with "drugs" and "safety"……..IT HAS TO DO WITH MONEY. People would not spend the enormous amounts being charged for alcohol when they can grow weed-free in their house…..have fewer health problems and no hangover.

  3. I think this guys got it all wrong. Poor people aren’t poor because they smoke weed. They smoke weed to ease the stress of trying to pay rent every month. Minority groups are more likely to smoke weed because they are discriminated against. Take for example lgbtq people. They’re discriminated against and they have a huge struggle so it’s easy for them to turn to weed to ease their pain.
    More kids if color are caught with weed because they come from families who are more likely to smoke weed because they’re discriminated against.

    The issue isn’t weed here. It’s the discrimination against minority groups since America was founded.

  4. Cannabis has many health benefits.
    Of course they want it to remain illegal.
    Or else big pharma will lose money from their treatments claiming to work on cures.
    This plant is even known to kill cancer cells.
    Cure headaches,
    Ail Parkinson's.
    Resolve insomnia.
    Many remedies in one.

  5. Could have told you this in the nineties when I wanted to legalize it. Now I just don’t care because learned how to cope without any drugs or alcohol because my income level.

  6. Oooooo…… bad THC. Bad THC. Really? In this day of scientific knowledge about the values of cannabis, and in particular THC, when one is treating just about every disease state? Yeah…….. spread that fear. Ignore the science. But move over, because progress is going to pass you and your small mind behind.

  7. Long sigh…everyone knows it should be legal if we truly are a free people regardless of whether its to get high or for medicine. Let the pharmaceutical companies make their synthetics for the people who wouldn't do it otherwise. Let people grow medicine. Let people grow stoney flowers and make the purest tastiest ooiest gooiest hash possible. Let us be free(or take our freedom back should i say)and people will fill in those roles regardless of what it is. Maybe then it wouldnt be so much moldy chemical laced commercial bud. And pleassssse…acting like thc's only role is getting you high and cbd is the only medically beneficial compound. Thc has medical uses as well and i would take a 20% with a tasty profile over 40% with nothing else to offer. If it wasnt commercial or people had more knowledge of the plant people wouldnt only be concerned with thc. Im tired and rambling off track.

  8. The difference between medical marijuana and recreational marijuana is the same thing as the difference between medical prescription drugs and recreational use of prescription drugs.
    Medical use is doing the amount the doctor suggest and for the purpose of treating a condition and and recreational use is just doing whatever amount you want for pleasure over and above concern for specific condition treatment.
    Look up the difference between "self-medicating" and medicating under doctor supervision and that's the difference between medical and recreational anything whatsoever. Whether it's marijuana that were talking about or some well established and widely prescribed pill is really irrelevant.

  9. We know any system set up in this culture, unfortunately will have echos of racism, mostly because people who have benefited from prohibition are unwilling to give up their cash cow.

  10. Hurry UP UK legalise cannibis old thinking won't work.. Get with the times!!.. Prescription drugs and Alcohol and Cigarette smoke kills and makes much much more cost and trouble to the world.

    . Come on

  11. Just go to YOUR local state health department website and type medical marijuana and you will see that this guy is a bit wrong.
    He is represents a percent of the population with impulse control issues or addiction tendencies and that type of person can be addicted to anything addictive. When a states guided medical marijuana program is really just a guise for recreational pot then of course there are issues because with an absence of real doctors actually monitoring patients then of course it is as out of hand as alcohol
    but just like alcohol they found that stronger drink does not make more alcoholics, that is why all of the "beer only" states have gone to allowing liquor sales as well. That is how and why most states now allow much stronger craft beer with more alcohol. because studies show that strength has little to no affect on addiction but rather that is personality and personal chemical makeup not whether you drink beer vs liquor.
    There will always be persons with weak constitutions that will not change until someone pushes them to change like this guy, but being likley to develope an addiction to marijuana is possible but quite rare. Most long term pot users still quit each time they have to take an insurance evaluation for work or change jobs so they have to quit for a month to clean their blood so that they can pass a drug test and millions of people easily do quit because marijuana does nor have much addictive quality.
    Weak pot vs strong pot same thing except weaker pot means that I have to smoke more leaves, mass, material to get my dose because people are affraid of someones discription but it is the same as making it 8 pill you take at a time rather than just 2 pills. How does that protect the patient?
    Or you only wanting to control medical patients growers? because the illegal street growers are not going to abide by your guidelines and we patients are going to dose as directed by Dr. so you just make us use more weed to get a dose and others are not going to keep going to the medical dispensary if the streets are cheaper and stronger.

  12. I’ve been smoking probably 5 times a week with a break ever sat and Sunday for the last 5 years since I graduated high school… got happily married got a bachelors in nursing in 3 years and had a job working in ER for just over a year… never went to school high or been to work high. It helps me relax before bed and self reflect/ arthritis in my knee replacement from a wreck when I was 16. Never did any other drugs I don’t even DRINK! Don’t listen to stereotypes, that only happens when you let something other than yourself control your life. I know plenty of people just like me. If you are mentally strong enough to control your life and not surrender it to something else, then don’t let people put you into the group of those who aren’t just because you do something they don’t.

  13. Drank alcohol pretty much every day for 7 years,now a little over 4 months no alcohol. Cannabis has really helped me with that. I filed in heavy to Cannabis after quitting because I had not used it in 5 years and with all the newness around legalization in my state, it was exciting. But I hit a wall and noticed in cutting back on cannabis. Not wake and baking, smoking less and mainly only in the evening. I can see myself only using a few days a week and on weekends soon and then just a few times a week. I'm ok with that and I'm so much happier and healthier. I can't take back those 7 years lost in a cloud, but I can look forward. 34 is not the youngest, but certainly not too old!

  14. The same thing happened with alcohol during prohibition. It was more efficient to have more of the intoxicating substance in a smaller package so the potency went up.

  15. “We are actually arresting more people of color since the legalization” no you are arresting more juveniles of color since the legalization of weed but guess what ITS STILL NOT LEGAL FOR THEM

    Idk if crime with people of color has gone up since the legalization or not but it’s seems pretty fishy that you cardstack the group of people who still can’t legally use it or sell it

  16. The idea that weed is a gateway drug is blind of the fact that most people have probably(not 100%) been peer pressured. Isn’t my idea 💡 plausible though?

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