Study Reveals The TRUE Damage Of Marijuana Use

A new study shows just how extensive the damage marijuana use has on the human body and the results are…not that bad. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian hosts of The Young Turks discuss. Does…

40 responses to “Study Reveals The TRUE Damage Of Marijuana Use”

  1. your so full of crap,. bet you are going to drink today. talk to me when you stop RX,s from causing the problems they are suppose to help, talk to me about what booze does,..

  2. Cannabis is prescribed to veterans to affect their mind, so they do not have the memory or flashbacks. It is because it inhibits the brain. This is accepted as fact, and it is prescribed for this. I do not need something to inhibit my brain.

  3. First thing not test menory.before study. Bull shit, some people has memory lost from malnutrition also, no vitamin, or proper food to eat. Bad eating habits thes survey bull shit,

  4. I've smoked marijuana since before I turned thirteen.

    In the Eighth Grade I learned how to play two musical instruments under its influence, going from Beginning Band to Concert Band in one year…and made the Marching Band the following year.

    In NJROTC I did not participate in activities because I chose not to cut my hair to wear the uniform…I just took it as an Elective, sitting in the rear of the classroom and completing the assignments. By the end of my junior year the Instructor/Commander approached me and asked what my plans were for after graduation. (Yes, I was high almost every day in school.) He then informed me that, since I was leading the class with my grades, he wanted me to get my hair cut and wear the uniform of Cadet Company Commander. He explained that this would be beneficial to me when I joined the Navy…from day one in Boot Camp I was paid as an E-3, two full pay-grades above most everyone else who'd joined.

    While undergoing schooling after Boot Camp, I especially enjoyed smoking as I discovered it was a great help in understanding Basic Electricity and Electronics…especially how electricity acted when sent through the various electronic components like resistors, transistors, diodes and capacitors…

    Throughout "Beep" and Class A schools, my grades were so good that the Navy sent me to a third school (Class C,) to learn about Electric Gyro-compasses.

    As an Electric Gyro Compass Technician aboard my first ship, an aircraft carrier, I discovered that a good percentage of my shipmates smoked marijuana, and that surprisingly it was readily available on board. We are talking about a ship with a crew of nearly 5,000 sailors.

    So I say this to Mr. Musk and anyone else who finds that marijuana isn't "for them"…Fine! Then leave it alone!

    But don't try to push your beliefs on the many others who find that marijuana works wonders for them!

    By the way, Michael Fred Phelps II is an American former competitive swimmer and the most successful and most decorated Olympian of all time, with a total of 28 medals…and he smokes marijuana!

    I must add that I still smoke to this day and I'm 61 years old now…and I have made donations to NINE prominent American museums…of artifacts discovered in an antique store…after having researched them for a couple of years…and being published in several Antiquing/Collecting magazines.

  5. Alcohol is used widely in every society in the world; cannabis has in nearly all cultures been a fringe drug. Evolution is never wrong and there are psychiatric reasons cannabis has never been as socially acceptable as alcohol which is not a great drug. If society has selected alcohol over cannabis that tells you just how dangerous this drug is to many people. I had my life ruined by a couple of tokes of weed and I have spent my whole adult life with many others with the same fate. We can't speak out because we are trapped in hell and too scared and emotionally fragile to share out stories, and no-one wants to hear it because it's not "cool". But a bad trip on cannabis can ruin a brain permanently and there is no way to tell who it will destroy.

  6. This is THE biggest lie any one will ever tell you in your life. Please watch videos on the endocannabinoid system by people with extremely high levels of qualification and high positions within medical research/human health sciences.

  7. Y'all dumb ASF it's destroying soliders who want better for themselves I say make it illegal get it off the streets another thing where is the brave SWAT team that stops this shit from being distributed like Brandon off Batman year 1 we need more cops stepping up

  8. When you spend a few months working on a psychiatric unit and you see the number of schizophreniacs, bipolars and manic depressives ….with a history of marijuana use …please come back and tell me how "harmless it is"
    And YES there are alcoholics on the psych wards too, that's not my point. Two wrongs don't make a right. Just because alcohol is legal, it doesn't mean we should legalize every other harmful psychotropic drug.

  9. But middle age people generally have memory issues.. its called getting old! wtf? regulated weak weed = better than alcohol anyday! I;ve had many friends die of drink abuse. the other friends abuse weed too. but guess what they all alive and kicking! its not about right or wrong. its about money! nothing else! Also hemp can be used for so many applications which directly compete with the oil companies!.. this is why it was truely made illegal!

  10. @ 2:50 “it could be that people who operate at a lower level of cognitive function are more inclined to smoke weed”? Right. So dumb people smoke pot. Got it.

  11. Everyone knows alcohol is bad for you, yet most drink. Everyone knows tobacco is bad for you, yet people use it. Studies show cannabis ain't bad for you, yet you clinge to your bottle of booze and call them "drug addicts". Bad alcohol – legalize weed

  12. As a heavy user I'd just say it IS negative if you are using daily-multiple times a day. But please dont use marijuana to escape your problems. Learn to deal with your problems because that's what makes you a better person at the end of the day

  13. I remember in the 80s, pot was a terrible thing. Billions of dollars was spent showing how many kids died each year from it. It was proven as a "gateway" drug. This is your brain…. This is your brain on drugs… At what point did it become a "Miracle cure" for everything from ingrown toenails, to depression, to PTSD? Was all of that scientific proof WRONG?? Am I witnessing a true miracle? Or just the beginning of another burnout generation? 🤔

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