The largest study ever conducted on marijuana’s relevance to lung cancer has come up with some somewhat surprising results. The National Institutes of …
12 responses to “Study: Marijuana Doesn't Increase Cancer Risk”
I like my own research that says 3 of my hundred or so friends have died of cancer. None of them were cannabis users, while virtually all of my other friends do use cannabis at least occasionally. So, there it is; smoke cannabis or die! Your choice! Lol
Marijuana is a magic plant and science continues to prove this. I could have told you it doesn't cause cancer because it actually has effects that can HELP PREVENT CANCER. Why it continues to be illegal when alcohol and cigarettes are fine and dandy is beyond me. Yet another example of American Hypocrisy in action, which Is why I am moving to Colorado.
This new study in Time health and family entitled "New Research Questions Marijuana’s Impact in Lowering IQ" says otherwise, first result when searching for what you told me to =p
I like my own research that says 3 of my hundred or so friends have died of cancer. None of them were cannabis users, while virtually all of my other friends do use cannabis at least occasionally. So, there it is; smoke cannabis or die! Your choice! Lol
It's funny how people who actually do the studies say different things than people who just quote them or say what they think
Does anyone know where can I find this report to print one out?
Crazy. I wouldn't have believed that either
so that's why Snoop Dogg (Snoop Lion whatever) never ages… i see lol
Marijuana is a magic plant and science continues to prove this. I could have told you it doesn't cause cancer because it actually has effects that can HELP PREVENT CANCER. Why it continues to be illegal when alcohol and cigarettes are fine and dandy is beyond me. Yet another example of American Hypocrisy in action, which Is why I am moving to Colorado.
This new study in Time health and family entitled "New Research Questions Marijuana’s Impact in Lowering IQ" says otherwise, first result when searching for what you told me to =p
Cite …
Ok so it doesn't give you cancer ok, but it lowers your iq by 8 points if you smoked as a teen or a adult. Just look up marijuana lowers iq study.
Don't Criticize It, yeah ah
Legalize it!