Stock Trends | CBD Stocks Health & Wellness

CBD Stocks Are Out Trending Every Day Cannabis Stocks & I Think It’s Related To An Emerging Stock Trend Through Out Health And Wellness, CBD Stocks …

9 responses to “Stock Trends | CBD Stocks Health & Wellness”

  1. Hey Kyle, great video as always. Since there are a lot of studies and research on the benefits of CBD for all kind of puposes, I think the market for "CBD-produkts" is gonna get huge in the future.

    What do you think about "innocan Pharma"? They are working with 2 universitys in Israel to heal huge illnesses with CBD, and they also developed a " Skin care product line" and a "pain relief spray", both made with CBD and with clinical studies who proof, that their products are working. Find the company and its studies very interessting.

    Second company is Taat – Lifestyle and Wellness. Tjey developed a cigarette made from hemp, that is supposed to taste, smell and burn like a traditionell tobacco cigarette, but without nicotin, and plus CBD.. They just started selling their product in Ohio, online shop shall Start soon etc, also very interessting…

    Maybe you could cover both companys?

    Have a nice weekend and stay awesome!

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