Starting From Seed How to start Growing Cannabis

This is reload step by step instructions on how to germinate cannabis seeds, over 5.2 million views before it was taken down with million of seeds planted.

42 responses to “Starting From Seed How to start Growing Cannabis”

  1. My only change to all that he said would be is that around 7 mins in, you should put the paper towels in a sealed container such as a Tupperware or something equivalent. I've noticed when I leave it out the next day the paper towels are bone dry and no germination has happened

  2. You said you’ve “been breeding for too many years” But I’ve only seen you work from clone stock and I’ve never seen any male plants or pollen in your garden. You must have some secret facility that you do all of your breeding at!

  3. Hey John, long time fan, but I've never personally grown myself due to law restrictions.

    However, my country has recently decriminalized possession and we're now allowed to grow up to 4 plants per person. (Trinidad)

    Can you point me in the direction of a video/playlist that goes through all the steps of starting a grow room from scratch with little knowledge? I dont have great seeds, all I have are the ones I've collected from buds, I hope they'll work.

    I also have zero knowledge of nutrients and any otheŕ additives you may add to your soil, my knowledge reaches as far as "put seed in dirt, add water and hope something grows". The good news being, my country is already a very agricultural place with many plant and garden shops around, so finding the materials locally shouldnt be a problem.

  4. hello john you did a potency test comparing three differant lights awhile back, do you know or can you do a test comparing potency levels of soil grown vs coco grown?

  5. ima grow sum blue gelato #41 its supposed to be a psychedelic type of feeling if you grow it right soooo im fuckin wit it…..if only there was a strain where you could get sum visuals lol

  6. Glad you reposted the video my first video I watched to learn how to grow most helpful easy video wish I could show you my first plants wow such beauties John thank you for your knowledge

  7. Hello sir,

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