Should recreational marijuana be legalized in Arizona?

Should recreational marijuana be legalized in Arizona? We asked, and Team 12’s Ryan Cody is reading your answers.

23 responses to “Should recreational marijuana be legalized in Arizona?”

  1. Yes. Legalize it! Crime is lower in states after going legal. This is a harmless plant with no know toxicity level in humans. It's literally safer than coffee. People need to stop demonizing this very helpful plant. Research "Run From The Cure: The Rick Simpson Story"

  2. Yes legalize it. It makes it harder to get something that is legal and regulated. I remember being in High School and it was easy to get marijuana and other drugs but was actually hard to get alcohol because we didn't know enough older people to buy it.

  3. I am floored by how little the news media today understand local legal proceedings. Yes, the AZ Secy of State verified the signatures, but the AZ Supreme Court didn't ok Prop 207 for the ballot until Aug 20, 2020. It was an unanimous decision, but it could have gone the other way. Now, Aug 21st (not Aug 11th), we can celebrate. The initiative is officially on the ballot. I will be soooooo disappointed if it gets voted down again. 2020 has sucked so far and a loss here would just be the last straw in my year.

  4. Stop!
    Don't do it!!
    It's a trap!!!
    You already have the (medical) loophole in arizona. This new law will just add-on to older laws, and they always "sneak in" luxury sales taxes w/ more gov't bureaucracy!
    A. Legalizing MJ = tyranny, law on top of law, bigger gov't, and "sneak in" luxury TAXes.
    B. Decriminalize MJ = total freedom, removes existing criminal statute. releases non-violent pothead prisoners. no new laws needed. no new taxes needed. smaller gov't.

    This is how they get us!!!!
    Arizona gov't will control the market.
    Gov't will inflate costs.
    Gov't will lead to inflated prices
    Gov't will shrink profit margins
    Gov't will grow
    Gov't politicians will get rich
    Vote NO! Just get a doctor's note and you'll remain tax-free. Otherwise demand Decriminalization.

    And whoever is cheering 40% sales taxes put upon someone else is fascist and unAmerican.

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