Real Time with Bill Maher: New Rule – For the Love of Bud (HBO)

Subscribe to the Real Time YouTube: In his editorial New Rule, Bill Maher, joint in hand, reminds pot enthusiants to remain steadfast in …

25 responses to “Real Time with Bill Maher: New Rule – For the Love of Bud (HBO)”

  1. No, Barack. Weed is very different than tobacco. Weed hasn't been directly linked to death at all. Cannabis can treat a multitude of conditions (quite a few linked to tobacco usage). But hey, thanks for using fact to try and legalize pot. Next (life)time around check them more thoroughly.

  2. I’m all about not trampling on people’s Freedoms but if you need a drug to get you through your pathetic lives then maybe you’ve made some bad decisions in your life and you might want to consider the fact that you might be a loser. Just saying

  3. I think Justin Beiber is more of a danger to society than marijuana. Purely based on the effect they have on people, and the danger the influenced people have to their surroundings.

  4. Colorado was a model for other states to follow as many states joined in on the Medical Marijuana and Recreational when they saw the tax revenue generated. then in May of 2019, Denver decriminalized Magic Mushrooms. We're already a Mile High, won't You? join us? Love, Denver

  5. He is correct. States Rights always means taking away rights. The 2nd Amendment comes to mind but I dont think Bill likes guns so he conveniently forgot about that one.
    Of course I'm also disgusted any time the local government tried to kidnap children. But not enough people seem to care about that.

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