Proving and Disproving Myths About Weed With Experiments – STONED (Full Episode)

Its detractors say it causes anxiety, paranoia and other more serious mental health issues, but its fans point to a long list of health benefits – and the fact that it’s …

45 responses to “Proving and Disproving Myths About Weed With Experiments – STONED (Full Episode)”

  1. These people were really cringey. Theyโ€™ve obviously never smoked before Bc they donโ€™t know how to handle themselves while being high ๐Ÿ™„ they need to chill.

  2. I used to smoke but now i will only vape it and rarely buy 'weed' its always concentrates im 39 ๐Ÿ˜ fyi they could of used rosin its only illegal if chemicals or gasses are used ๐Ÿ‘

  3. You canโ€™t just do 1 test and say thatโ€™s the how it is being stoned makes you dumber than drinking youโ€™d have to do thousands of test to get a fair awnser everyoneโ€™s different when it comes to these things

  4. The " weed makes you gay" experiment was dumb as shit me Because personally when I'm high I'm naturally more "excited" I'll say it doesnt matter wtf your watching weed temporarily increases sex drive it's scientifically proven look it up

  5. This isnt science tho. Everyones different and can handle shit differently. I cant drive good while sober but I drive perfectly when I'm stoned. And bud helps to get rid of my anxiety and social probs and I can totally talk to someone normal while stoned. I've been smoking for years so I can handle my shit, I'm not a rookie.

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