President Obama On Marijuana Legalization And Criminalization: The VICE News Interview

Watch the full interview: VICE founder Shane Smith interviews President Barack Obama, discussing a host of issues important to Americans, …

41 responses to “President Obama On Marijuana Legalization And Criminalization: The VICE News Interview”

  1. You weren’t asking yourself what about this or that when you smoked weed and when you were smoking a pack of cigarettes everyday, Barack Obama.

    Also BO, what about alcohol??? Hypocrisy and double standards are great arguments for legalization. Alcohol destroys you yet it’s legal. Marijuana might destroy you or it might not yet it’s illegal. Also, BO, what about binge drinking??? Where’s your condemnation of that??? Oh that’s right, Big Pharma doesn’t care about alcohol like it is neurotic about marijuana. And since Big Pharma paid for you to be in White House, they pull your strings on opposing marijuana legalization. So much promise and yet such a failure on issues like this, BO. So much for hope and change, BO!!!!! Haha

  2. Schedule I listing is a false statement read under oath. Barack Obama doesn't believe cannabis has no scientific value. Cannabis has recognized scientific value. Barack Obama lied under oath by confirming and affirming this statement each day at work.

  3. I compare him To Ronald Reagan.
    Obama was against Marijuana Legalization but until sometime in 2016 he Supports it
    Just Like Reagan was against Gun Control but in 1989 he Supports it

  4. this is really stupid. connecting weed offenses with minorities being picked on. Arresting minorities for partaking in drug use is not racism. If more druggies happen to be minorities than not that is just a bad coincidence.

  5. what a puppet….and Shane let him talk that shit. everybody shoude take what they want to there body. what about crack ha what abou alcohol.White people need there drink and Obama nows it.

  6. Yes, all drugs should be legalized. We need to take the pill pushing doctors and the hoods out. In psychology we are taught : 50% of the addiction is the acquisition phase.
    People are going to do what they are going to do. The additional stress from the state is helping no one, but the people who make money from the periphery (cops, lawyers, etc).
    If we legalized it, lets provide a safe space for exploration. Or even help people find the neuro-chemical balance they are looking for so they can feel great and maintain function.
    If the drugs are cheap, then there is no crime.
    We all have the right to self destruction or health. The state has no right to dictate nor take away our rights to choose.

  7. Your failed war on drugs has ruined countless lives throughout the world.  "Freedom"-ish, eh?  To an extreme, everything should be legal.  I would rather mess up my own life and have a chance to get it under control, than have the police and "justice" system ruin my life with no chance to actually fix it.  Tired of delusional people electing "officials" that pander to their religious ideology to police morals by taking away my freedoms ("rights given by creator").I can hardly look at politicians without feeling sick to my stomach.  Too bad we won't be smart enough to elect a good leader like Bernie Sanders.

  8. basically he doesn't care if you do what you do as long as you're a productive member in society and agrees people being locked up for 10-20 years over pot is crazy why do people hate the Obama administration again?

  9. how can the Clinton administration not know it was going to cost the government and tax payers money to incarcerate people. Prison is not free. Building the prison itself cost money, food, blankets, sheets, correctional officers, plus more. The prison system is a 76 billion dollar a year business. When the Clinton administration re-energize the war against drugs the prison system became commercialized. another way for big business to make money anyway they can at your cost. Your tax dollar hard at work, and a lot of it gone to the prison system. our government is not squeaky clean. if you think so, you been living under a rock.

  10. Why should it have to take more states to decriminalise before congress will do anything? They have already publicly announced Marijuana has medicinal uses, and the states that already have are raking in millions in tax dollars, directly investing in public schools and welfare programmes. Not to mention his point that "decriminalisation could potentially be harmful to vulnerable societies" being completely irrelevant when case studies like Portugal exist. Demonstrating how access to education and healthcare is more effective that prison sentences at reducing the mortality rates and the number of substance users. If you want people to stop taking harmful substances, give them FACTS about how damaging it is and let them make their own choice.

  11. Um, yeah, Libertarians have ALWAYS opposed the drug war, it's not something that "…we are startging to see" What a crock of horse shit. What has Obama done to reduce the number of non-violent "criminals" from our overcrowded prison system? Nothing. This is lip service, people.

  12. No. We don't feel the same way about meth, coke, crack, or heroin. Of course, there are valid arguments for decriminalization of those drugs as well, and I believe they are worth exploring. Certainly we need to rethink our draconian drug laws, and start trying to rehabilitate addicts instead of wasting tax dollars incarcerating them. That being said, I think there are several other reasonable arguments for the decriminalization of Marijuana that simply wouldn't hold water applied to other harder drugs.

  13. Coke, crack, heroin??? Obama, the 90s called. They want they're D.A.R.E. scare tactics back. I can't believe I fell for his bullshit rhetoric back in 2008. Not saying he was a complete failure as president, but he played us stoners like fiddles…. That said, we didn't really have a better option, but still, what a flip-flopping douchebag.

  14. Wow, thats like 3 private meetings with the President of the United States VICE has pulled off in the last few weeks. Not bad for 'alternative' media. How many interviews has he done with other alternative media outlets, normally he only meets with Establishment media. Hold on, how come VICE always supports US military actions overseas? I think I smell a rat.

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