POT TYPES & SIZES for Growing Cannabis

Not sure what size container to grow in? How about what type of pot to use? Yeah, we were there once too. Roll one up and let’s learn about Cannabis pot types …

35 responses to “POT TYPES & SIZES for Growing Cannabis”

  1. Probably going to sound crazy but I just cut the bottoms out of the bottoms of my plastic pits and drill holes all around the sides so they can dry out and air prune. Be careful though because those open holes could cause huge issue if you have a pest problem. But solves the messy transplant and you still get the air prune

  2. Basically I need to know whats good for a 40x40x120cm tent i know its small but hope to get 2 plants out of it can anybody help me are air root pots better or fabric I'm a first timer so any help its widely appreciated

  3. Air pot. Rootmaker have this market on Lockdown👍
    Rapid rooter direct into 2 or 3s
    Depending on 18/6?
    Coco70 perlite 30 😃5.6 to 5.8 +5ml cal mag..

    I'll support your channel

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