24 responses to “Penetrex, CBD Balm, and CBD Tincture Review after 3 months”

  1. This is glorious, I have been researching "how do you make anti inflammatory cream?" for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you heard people talk about – Peyulian Uncomplex Predominance – (do a search on google ) ? It is a smashing one of a kind guide for finding natural painkillers and surviving a disaster using this powerful method minus the normal expense. Ive heard some great things about it and my buddy got excellent results with it.

  2. Use that and do gentle yoga πŸ™‚ {and you are!} I'll try it for muscle pain. Thanks for the review.

    I wonder if cbd would help my feet cramping. My main ailment is migraines.

  3. What are the names of the two balms that helped you the most ?
    Did you feel pain while doing yoga?
    I’m going thought some lower back pain for like 8 months now and I’m taking pills so would love to find other anti inflammatory options

  4. Thanks for explaining what the physical therapist and athletic trainers always tell our clients but in layman’s term of using exercise to repair muscle weakness or poor posture for long term effect

  5. No cream works. It’s all a scam. Penetrex doesn’t work. I’ve used it. Massage, Rest, and appropriate physical therapy are better options.

  6. I have been using Jungle Naturals Emu Oil Cream Maximum Strength for muscle and joint pain and it works very well to relieve pain, smells great and makes my skin smooth and soft as well. I bought it on @t.

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