Patrick Kennedy shares warning about legalizing marijuana

Former congressman Patrick Kennedy speaks out on #Tucker about how marijuana legalization impacts public health. FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour …

50 responses to “Patrick Kennedy shares warning about legalizing marijuana”

  1. OK, lets legalize marijuana, then we will legalize cocain, ice and all other drugs and make the world a better place. Everyone will hold hands and be happy. If we legalize one drug, where will we stop? And yes, I have had friends smoke it and go insane, they had to leave their job and go on Centrelink.

  2. This dude has no idea but still makes a valid point. When Marijuana is legalised, we need to make sure small street dealers and poor people in general benefit more from the business, but it's exactly the opposite right now. Illinois just legalised and it's almost impossible to start a dispensary if you don't have a high financial capital

  3. Before Tucker took a stance on marihuana reform he was busy fixing up people's pets! No joke he was my vet about 15 years ago before he made it big on fox! He had a little clinic in Tennessee that I took my golden retriever to and he was the best veterinarian in town. When Bessie ate some chocolate at easter one time every vet I took her too said she had no chance but when i took her to Tuck he kept fighting for her, so noble and didn't give up until she couldn't go on anymore. She passed in his arms that night he told me (i couldn't be there as they had to keep her overnight). Tuck was such an entrepreneur, he had opened a fine coat store right next to his vet practice that sold the finest golden fur coats and he offered me half price on one that he said he'd just tailored that week as a way to help the wife through her grief. My wife wears that coat every easter in memory of Bessie and she says it brings a tear to her eye how the soft golden fur on that coat reminds her of our sweet and beautiful bessie, thanks tuck we love you!

  4. Do yourself a favor Tucker and google the following article by Dr. Roneet Lev, Chief of the Emergency Department, Scripps Mercy Hospital, San Diego, California : "An open letter to CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta on the perils of marijuana." She sees the terrifying effects of marijuana every day in her emergency room as do most emergency room doctors.

  5. I’m libertarian and support weed legalization, but you can’t just label someone “big pharma” anytime they criticize it. Criticizing it is how we make it safer. I’m not saying his arguments are valid and this is just a generalization.

  6. Just remember cannabis was originally made illegal in 1937 because of racism against African Americans and Mexicans who were stealing the white man's woman with their funky jazz cigarettes. All brought to you by Harry Anslinger the racist and the end of prohibition.

  7. The line that Marijuana is in pop tarts and gummy bears is so absurd. They act as if it’s been slipped into the food at Kroger without people knowing. That’s like saying, hey they’re putting alcohol in orange juice now. Yeah it’s called a screwdriver and it’s labeled a screwdriver on the shelf. 🤦🏻‍♂️

  8. What Tucker and the rest of the blind wannabe soldiers of truth don’t really understand is that change in unspoken social justice past, present and future is and has destroyed the family base. This whole pot delirium is another challenge for strong families to fight through and overcome.

  9. What a fuckin moron. "you can smoke it, you can drink it, you can even eat it in pop tart form! This is oxycodone pt .2!" Why would you have someone who is so obviously paid off by big pharma. I use to love you tuck but youve been sketching a lot of people out lately. Whatsup?

  10. Still can’t believe that this magical plant is still illegal nearly everywhere on earth!?! This magical plant should never have been made illegal everywhere on earth!?! If there is a god he or she put it here for a reason!?! Marijuana should be legal absolutely everywhere in the creation of the entire universe!?!

  11. Opioids, Alcohol, Tobacco, Cigarettes- all legal, all much worse as many die from it, HOWEVER-
    Recreational Marijuana- Illegal, no one has died from it, doesn't cause schizophrenia and calms/relaxes people- doesn't make them more violent

    Kennedy made a good point about the fact that marijuana isn't the only solution, and shouldn't ever be the primary solution to help young people manage their stress, and although I am greatly in favor of marijuana legalization because everyone has the freedom to do what they want with which they fully know they are putting in their bodies and various other reasons, I am concerned with the reasons people take it, primarily either for medicinal use or as stress relief- and that there are many other things that can relieve stress other than marijuana use, and that those should be explored first before taking the slight risk of smoking a joint.

  12. I'm glad that my brothers and sisters are at least looking at other Alternatives in big Pharma ! Tucker Carlson I respect you but please brother being formed !! You are about other topics but this one ?? It's not about getting high but other things people can take with natural side effects !! Not like Suicidal Thoughts From taking this medicine or even one that said anal drip ?? WTF ??

  13. As long as alcohol is legal, marijuana should be as well. Marijuana is way less harmful than the alcohol that both of these guys drink! Stop keeping us from enjoying something from God that needs no alterations by man to enjoy! Get off it already Tucker. We all know you don’t like pot!

  14. I would say that most people who use Marijuana, abuse it. I guess you could define “abuse” with your own ideas. But, it’s unfair to say that Marijuana is not addictive. Many people start to rely on Marijuana to cope with everyday problems and stress. Rather than using brain power to handle their situation in a healthy way with reason and thought, they are altering their brain. Marijuana is a quick, temporary fix. It won’t eliminate your problems; it will delay them until you’re sober. This is why you find that many people who smoke, smoke all day long. I’m not saying it’s impossible to use Marijuana responsibly. I am saying that Tucker Carlson has a point when considering affects that Marijuana may have on mental health issues, demotivation, and desensitization. I also agree with Tucker when he implies that Marijuana used regularly will get you nowhere, fast! Today, I’m 22 and have been addicted to Marijuana for 5 years. So, I speak solely on personal experience. I wrote this in hopes that someone out there struggling with a similar issue could benefit and move on with their life as I am trying to do myself.

  15. ALso, This Guy is just a Pharma Minion pulling the line for his corporate masters…………………………..A REAL conservative would say "HEY, Weed is easily proven to not be remotely as bad as most legal pills, So maybe in a capitalistic country like ours we let the people see if they want to give this business their money, because it IS SUPPOSED to be a free market…..And if it is SAFER than products already out….AND the AMERICAN PUBLIC VOTES ON IT AND WANTS IT……well then, who ARE you fighting for? Corporations or the citizens of this awesome FREE country". "F" YOU Tucker, You FAKE conservative, for dragging us down and falsely claiming you are anything but an anchor for corporate agendas.

  16. Not a SOUL believes this garbage…I did not know 1950s style conservatives like this still existed. like , way to make conservatives look like ancient relics who don't care about modern studies….or common sense because MOST of us have tried weed and KNOW this guy is absolutely full of $#!+. Stories like this, as well as …well….Tucker himself, are keeping conservatives in the Dark Ages. I make fun of the left these days for acting a LOT like the Evangelical conservatives of the 1980s……….PLEASE don't keep conservatives in that dark dumb place.

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