Our BIGGEST REGRETS After Growing Cannabis For 10+ Years

We were recently asked, “after a decade of growing, what are your biggest regrets?” Well, I normally don’t like to focus on the past much, but sometimes …

25 responses to “Our BIGGEST REGRETS After Growing Cannabis For 10+ Years”

  1. Brand new sub. You guys are awesome.. exactly what I was looking for…I've done 2 massive out door (144 plants each year) grows the last 2 summers and am now embarking on my first indoor. Starting incredibly small and hoping to expand after each successful crop out. Going to watch your catalog and get smarter. Thanks!

  2. Never understood why people with so much cannabis still share blunts 🤦 old ways die hard I guess. Lol
    And I'm not exchanging gar saliva with my homie, unless supplies are low low 😂

  3. I was introduced to you on an episode of Mr Grow It. 👋 Recently subscribed to your channel.
    There is no link for CL Gear. Do you have any info on that? I didn’t see any links anywhere. 😞
    (I want to buy an actual hat that you wear on your head. Nothing else. Lol. Maybe a t-shirt eventually. Lol)

  4. 🤑🤑🤑 this one is money gentlemen, awesome tips for the newer people to stick with, you cover some expensive pitfalls here,not letting peeps in the space is huge, I learned while emptying and cleaning the room due to a friends PM issues 🤣🤣🤬🤬, keep up the great work guys ✌✌✌

  5. Hello guys. if you want a more stable strain to look at with not so many phenos variates then take a look at seeds from the brothers grimm

    They have really tough, really potent and great strains, i seen strains with PM all over em and budrott, with grimms strains standing right next to em with nothiing on em. They make insanly potent strains, like i said tough strains, but most important very stable strains. Ive seen people plant 10 seeds of the same strains and get plants that look almost identicly to eachother, sometimes they ofc varries but you will most of the time get the strain the breeder Dr.Soul was aiming to give you. It is amazing. You already know Brothers grimm im sure because some of legendary strains they made over the time, like cinderella 99, apollo11 or 13 (13 was a rare jewel and its gone)

    wauwi i say strain alot..

    strain strain strain !!

  6. I always say growing is like “practicing medicine”. You should be learning and moving forward constantly. There are basic thing to do right that are kinda law but each person has something to bring I believe. I have learned so much from you guys and others and I have done the same for others it makes our community stronger!!

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