Ohio Cannabis Legalization News – My Free Ohio

OhioCannabis #CannabisActivists Ohio Cannabis Legalization News! Ohio cannabis legalization is moving forward because of My Free Ohio. They are …

14 responses to “Ohio Cannabis Legalization News – My Free Ohio”

  1. I am just so angry…
    Ohio is my home, I shouldn't have to move. I know what works for my body to function thru every day life, ESPECIALLY during the era of COVID. I'm an adult, I have the right to decide what I put in my own body. BUT, Gov DeWine is worried about children ingesting edibles & increase in car crashes.
    I'm a law abiding citizen that smokes marijuana in Ohio and we need recreational marijuana NOW

  2. Thank you guys. Your our only hope! I am a medical patient, if I do not use cannabis, i do not eat . I weighed 96lbs prior to using cannabis. …. I cannot afford the dispensaries ridiculous $50 eighths , but I have no other choice , and usually have to get by with very very little. I cannot describe the raw, primal anger building inside of me , because I cannot grow my own medicine that I desperately need, and am allowed to have otherwise, for fear of going to jail and being torn from my family. PLEASE help us. Please . 😔

  3. All dispensaries sell flower and most have thier own grow facilities like GrowOhio does.
    Why is it only a few monopolies are allowed to grow in Ohio but individuals aren't.

  4. same shit happen to me. went through all the testing. i have lyme disease and almost paralyzed and they said im to smart cause my iq tested 172. i was like why ? they said smart people scam the system ? i said um no more dumb asses scamming the system and have no disease. i have blood tested proven 22 yrs now. and telling me im scamming the system ? wtf. 4 years still fighting that to get some kinda help for their patented disease that i have. from their oops. once the protesters start revolting for right reasons we will get this world on track.

  5. This is a monopoly amendment giving no rights for home cultivation for personal use.
    I support ending cannabis prohibition and adult choice. But I can't support this amendment's exact wording, because it leaves out home growing.
    Do your part today by writing a quick message to your Ohio Representatives.
    Visit the NORML website here: 👇

  6. I hope everyone that sees this as a negative thing or get hung up on on thing that chad said, chad is a very smart man , and he will be the firt to admit that he was nervous and he was trying to pack a lot of information in a hour. These guys are not trying to do what's best for themselves, but what is good for Ohio. If there plan goes through it will be like nothing seen. This will help everyone in Ohio, like he said there is something in this plan for everyone. Why get hung up on apple's and oranges , all I really want to see is some real progress in Ohio period not only in the cannabis space, not even to mention that he is trying to help the hemp farmer from getting squeezed out of the industry.

  7. Sounds like a shit plan honestly. You’ll give cannabis to the state??? You only are interested in hemp? Have your tech guy do some research on thc and it’s effectiveness of treating ptsd. This is a joke

  8. Thank you Tom and Miggy and all the people at CLN for getting our message out there. Your show is what people need to become informed of all the great things happening in the cannabis industry, state to state.

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