It’s day 25, and I’m cutting them just above the fifth node. Do you have any special techniques or tricks you use when topping? If so, please let me know in the …
8 responses to “Off with their heads! Topping my cannabis plants.”
At 1:06, I can’t believe I said Canuck Cultivar’s name wrong while thanking him. So sorry man. I should make pre-recording notes to prevent mistakes like this in the future. Thanks again Canuck Cultivar.
At 1:06, I can’t believe I said Canuck Cultivar’s name wrong while thanking him. So sorry man. I should make pre-recording notes to prevent mistakes like this in the future. Thanks again Canuck Cultivar.
You topped too much you crazy?
I hope I can get answered but in a five gallon how much water should you water female autos?
What are those grills your saucer and plant sitting on?
You are going to replant the peace u cut off right ?
Do you have to change the light schedule on the autos to 12 -12 or can you run it 18 – 6 with the rest of your plants ?
Don’t top autos dudes !
“A whole lotta science I can’t wrap my head around”
I’m with ya there!